
Married At First Sight grooms in fist fight at reunion dinner party

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We’ve known for ages that Married At First Sight will give us the most dramatic reunion of all time.


As we descend into a frenzy waiting for that finale, Nine has confirmed that Ines Basic will make a shocking return, Martha’s secret clip is real…

But all we care about (for now) is that Cyrell glasses someone.

You need to watch the mayhem in the video below. You can just make out that Martha is her target.

Well now we’ve been told the violence isn’t just a Cyclone Cyrell thing.


One local publication has made the shocking claim that the grooms get into a major round of the fisticuffs.

Cue Jules’ speech about the difference between girls and women.

“There’s a war of words that leaves two grooms needing to be physically separated by producers.”


That’s not all – apparently at the reunion dinner party, a “rock solid” couple will announce they’ve split.

Fans are thinking it’s either Heidi Latcham and Mike Gunner or Ning Surasiang and Mark Scrivens. 

In case you missed the teaser for the final episodes, cyclone Cyrell Paule is seen unleashing her glass of red wine at  Martha Kalifatidis, staining her white dress.


The promo also shows Ines Basic in tears.

We see Heidi’s husband Mike cry, “This is why I’m single at 44, you know…”

Then Sam’s ex Elizabeth unleashes, “He’s going to wish he was never born!”

And then Cyrell is shown footage of Nic that prompts her to shout, Holy s**t!”
We told you, a lot is happening. 

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