Josh and Elyse take out The Block 2017

Channel 9

Josh and Elyse have taken out The Block for 2017 with a whopping prize of $547,000.

The competition’s youngest couple were the first auction starting with a reserve of $2,620,000 million.

The house sold to radio host and comedian Dave ‘Hughesy’ Hughes for $3,067,000, with Josh and Elyse making a profit of $447,000.

Jason and Sarah were second off the rank with a reserve price of $2,620,000. The house sold for $3,007,000, making a profit of $387,000.

Fan-favourites Sticks and Wombat were third up with a reserve of $2,520,000. The boys made $130,000 after the property sold for $2,650,000.

Ronnie and Georgia were up next with a reserve of $2,620,000. After a starting bid of $2,500,000 the auctioneer Bill Stavrakis struggled to reach $2.6 million. Scott Cam heavily suggested that Ronnie and Georgia pass the house in rather than re-start the auction, meaning nobody else could bid.

It was a shocking decision for the other contestants and those in the auction room with one person asking, “is that legal?”.

Buyer’s advocate and Block regular Frank Valentic came in with a best offer of $2,725,000.

Nicole Jacobs then came in with her client’s offer of $2.781 million, $161,000 over reserve. 

Clint and Hannah were the fifth and final couple with a reserve of $2,520,000.

The first time renovators made $95,000 after the house sold for $2,615,000.


The Block will return in 2018.

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