It’s not just the first date of The Bachelorette 2019 – it’s the first 24-hour date, and it’s fitness trainer Carlin Sterritt who scored the unprecedented amount of time with Angie Kent.
WATCH: So that’s why Angie’s been single for so long!
The 30-year-old seems sweet, thoughtful, genuine… he wrote and performed a song for Angie on night one, his jaw is so chiselled it could cut delicious expensive cheese… You get the idea.
But there’s a catch.
“I’m really excited aboutthis date with Angie,” Carlin sweetly gushed in a bit to camera. “24 hours, it means that I reallyhave some good time to connectwith her and for her to seethe true me and, you know,vice versa.
“But there is somethingthat I do need to get off my chest.I don’t want to scare Ange off.It’s just about timing.”
“I’ve been a little bit nervouscoming into this experiencebecause I’m super vulnerablewith my story.I am the type of guy who wantsto be open and transparent,because, you know,there’s no other way to do it…
“In 2016, I got married. We’ve been apartfor a year and a half,” he told an understandably concerned-looking Ange.
“We drifted apart, you know?And I was…I was pretty hurt in the process,and she’s moved overseas now.So, like, for methat was sort of like, you know,I was, like, I’ve closedthat chapter of my life.”
“So we filed for divorceand stuffand I suppose that’s sort ofjust the last stage of that.”
We want to be worried. But Carlin is so damn nice (and hot) that we think we’re going to be okay with it.
Angie clearly felt the same, giving Carlin a rose and the first kiss of the competition (a night of firsts, much excitement!)
“I had so much fun with you today,and I love that we were able totalk about pretty much everything,but you definitely opened upand showed me a side that youdidn’t have to, but you chose to,” she told him with a huge grin on her face.
But not without some umm-ing and aah-ing for the cameras first!
“I’m glad he’s telling me the truth,but it did kind of throwa spanner in the works.He is, you know,only kind of recently separated,and the divorce isn’t final.It just really made me startthinking, you know, are you ready?Are you here for the right reasons?”