
Exclusive Interview With Evicted Bachelor Contestant Mia

"I'm not boring!"
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WHO’s Nicholas Fonseca talks to the latest eliminated contestant from this year’s season of The Bachelor.


You came off as pretty reserved and shy on the two episodes we’ve seen so far. Was this an uncomfortable situation for you?

Yeah, I guess I probably came across that way. But I was always just going to be myself the whole time. I wouldn’t have been comfortable being loud or obnoxious just to get someone’s attention.

Eliza took up so much air at the sock hop photo shoot you participated in. Why was it so difficult for the rest of you to grab a bit more time with Richie?

Oh, she was all about those dance moves. You know, maybe if I had dropped it low a few more times I would have gotten more time with Richie. But I’ve got two left feet, anyway. I’m not quite a dancer. So it probably wasn’t the finest environment for me to be in. It just turned into the Eliza show, and so we all stepped back to the side and let her do her thing. But we all had a good laugh afterward… like, did that really just happen?? It was an awkward situation to be in to begin with. And I was excited for the photo shoot; I just wish I’d gotten a different set-up where I got to just stand still and pose a bit. That would have been fun. 


Would you say there were no sparks from your initial meeting with Richie?

Yes. We didn’t really connect, and that’s fine. We’re not each others’ types. Of course, it hasn’t really worked with anyone who has been my type previously, either. So if I had stayed on, it would have really only been to hang out with the girls, have fun and enjoy myself. I probably left at the right time.

Who are you tipping to go all the way, based upon what you saw?

I think maybe Megan or Nikki or Alex, but maybe Eliza… her dance moves could end up winning over Richie. Richie definitely likes blondes. I’ve dyed my hair blonde now, so maybe I’ll have a chance at a later date. [laughs] On top of that, I was taller than him in heels. I had to wear flats in the group date. 


What did you make of Keira’s comments and behaviour in the house?

She’s hilarious. I think – even the memes I’ve seen today and yesterday about her chanting ‘babes’ with her head sunk into her neck… I think she’s so funny. She’s crazy, don’t get me wrong. It’s just hilarious. She provides good entertainment, so why not? Good for her. I got a good laugh from her.

What did you learn from doing this?

I just learnt to always stay true to myself. I could have put myself in a completely different position, maybe been more ambitious and chased Richie, but I wasn’t raised to do that. I don’t think any side of myself has really changed… I’m a strange one, as well.


Strange how?

I’m quirky and different, but I probably came across as really boring on TV. And that’s not what I’m like at all. In a different situation, I would have been louder and more fun. 

And what were your feelings going in to that rose ceremony? Did you expect to get another shot?

No, I think at that point I knew I was leaving. I was ready to go, anyway. It worked out perfectly. 

(Credit: Channel Ten)

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