
REVIEW: The Girl in the Spider’s Web

Is it worth a trip to the cinema?

In the present, Lisbeth Salander (Foy) is a righter of wrongs against women and a computer hacker for hire.


She is tasked by rogue programmer Frans Balder (Ricky Gervais’ frequent sidekick Stephen Merchant) to retrieve from the US Government a game-changing file of his creation that can access missile systems around the world. He wants it destroyed before it can be used for nefarious purposes.

But when Lisbeth gets hold of the file – then loses it to the bad guys – her action-packed mission to get it back has her running bang into her disturbed and violent past. This latest instalment of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series seems to be targeting Jason Bourne territory.


While that aim may not be quite true, Foy, who has shed The Crown twin-sets and pearls in favour of biker boots and a bad attitude,
is a queen of anger and pain. 

Out now. 

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