
A wine advent calendar that is finally available in Australia

Adding to the Christmas wish list!
De Bortoli Wines

We all went a little nuts when Aldi revealed that they would be selling a cheese and wine advent calendar for Christmas this year. But we soon had to remove it from our holidays wish list when we found out it wasn’t available to buy in Australia.


Well, get ready, because De Bortoli Wines have answered our prayers with their very own wine advent calendar that IS available in Australia!

The De Bortoli 2018 Wine Advent Calendar is like a traditional advent calendar except it’s filled with with 24 piccolos of wine.

The booze-filled calendar of your dreams costs $129 and you can register to pre-order it so you can have it in time for December 1.


Or just flick this story on over to your significant other or BFF to make sure your Christmas gets a lot more wine-derful. 

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