
Australia’s fattest man hits 468kg and makes last-ditch effort to save his life

The side of his house was knocked down to allow him to go to hospital

A morbidly obese man hailed ‘Austaralia’s fattest man’ has undergone a lifesaving surgery to improve his quality of life after weighing in at 468kg.


Just a few years after firefighters had to knock down a wall of his home to take him to hospital, Andre Nasr was “waiting to die”.

Residing in Sydney, the 39-year-old claimed to be addicted to food and had been battling this addition since he was a child. At age 5, Andrew weighed 50kg and was “being picked last for the team.”

Network Ten

The father-of-one became determined to save his life by risking everything. His operation had a one in ten chance of him passing away during surgery, but he was happy to run the risk if it meant living a decent life.


“I would have been happy with 50/50,” he said. 

Prior to the surgery, Andre hadn’t left the house for more than a year and was bedridden.

Dr Craig Taylor claimed that if Andre had continued to live at this weight, “his chance of being alive in the next ten years is only around 30 per cent.” 


When not bedridden, Andre had mobility due to the help of a wheelchair. His family home was modified to accommodate the wheelchair and his large frame.

Andre claims that his appetite is “non-existent” but that he would have to eat healthily and begin to exercise if he was to achieve his dream weight of 118 kilograms. 

“I’ve never not thought about food or never not been hungry or not even experienced the feeling of fullness – when now I do,” said Andre just weeks after his operation.

Andre hopes to “live like a normal person” once he sheds the weight and that, “I want to go to school with my son, I want to go to the shops with my son, on family outings – I want to be the father my son deserves.”


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