The refreshingly honest model mum talks to WHO about growing up, slowing down and why she’s in no rush to tie the knot.
Watch her in our exclusive behind-the-scenes video at our photoshoot.
She’s shimmied her way down catwalks across the globe, starred in blockbuster movies and has conquered the small screen as host of Project Runway Australia.
But Megan Gale is also a working mum who’s not immune to an internal tug of war. “We are living in a time when there is more demanded of us and we fold to that,” Gale, 43, tells WHO.
“We’re trying to do it all, have it all, and be it all. Especially women, because we think we have to be these boss women and be able to juggle it all, to be mums, be career women, have the husband, and the social life. It’s great and aspirational, but you’ve got to be mindful that you’re not doing it at the cost of your health.”

The Perth-born beauty welcomed her first child, son River, 5, with former-AFL player Shaun Hampson, 31, in 2014. The pair had a daughter, Rosie May Dee, 2, three years later. However, while she was feeling the euphoric high around giving birth to her first child, she was also enduring epic lows.
A mere month before River was born, Shaun’s father passed away, and then 14 weeks later Gale’s father followed.
“When you lose a parent it really hits home hard,” she says, sadly.
“It really makes you stop and think how important health and time is – cherishing the time you’ve got left. I don’t know what’s worse, watching someone deteriorate slowly, or having someone ripped away from you without warning. While it was horrible watching my dad battle cancer, I made sure I got to spend as much time with him as possible.
At least my dad got to hold River, whereas Shaun’s dad never got to meet him.
“Another blessing I have though is that both my kids have my dad’s eyes, which I also have, so I see a lot of my dad in them. I can look at my son and see my dad – it’s wild! It’s kind of like he’s still here, that he’s still living on.”

Mulling over life’s big questions – the intersection of life and death, the passing of time – one thing is very clear: Gale is far from just a pretty face.
Articulate, highly intelligent and driven, she’s blessed with beauty and brains. Unfair? Yes.
But she’s quick to point out that her life is far from easy and that she doesn’t always have it together.
“I definitely don’t want to give the impression I’m always Zen and centred and have it sorted,” she says, frankly.
The debut product range from Megan’s Mindful Life, Mindful Life Child, is available now.
For her full interview, be sure to pick up the brand new issue of WHO.