
Swimming teacher accused of sexually assaulting eight young girls

It's the case that everyone is talking about
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A 20-year-old swimming teacher has been accused of the sexual molestation of eight young girls during swimming lessons.


Former grammar school pupil Kyle James Henk Daniels is facing 31 child sex charges for incidents alleged to have occurred between June 2018 and March 2019 on girls aged between six and 10.

Among the incidents, he is alleged to have raped an eight-year-old girl and molested her six-year-old sister at a pool in Mosman, NSW, on Feb. 2.

During a bail hearing at Manly Local Court on March. 20, police alleged Daniels had sexually abused a further six girls on separate occasions at the pool.

(Credit: Instagram)

Daniels, a onetime pupil at ultra-exclusive Knox Grammar school in Sydney, smiled and blew kisses to his mother during his brief court appearance.

Alarm was first raised when an eight-year-old girl complained she had been touched inappropriately.

Daniels strongly denies the allegations, claiming any touching was accidental.

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