A Place to Call Home Arianwen Parkes-Lockwood actress has stripped down for a new PETA campaign launched during World Breastfeeding Week.
The new mum, who plays Olivia Bligh in the popular Australia drama, appears naked and breastfeeds her baby daughter to campaign against animal cruelty next to the words “Dairy Breaks Bonds.”
Parkes-Lockwood said she decided to do the campaign after learning about the treatment of animals in the dairy industry. “[T]he idea of someone taking my baby away from me and taking my milk for their purposes is unthinkable,” she said.
“A dairy cow doesn’t have the choice of whether or not she can breastfeed her baby, because her baby is taken away at birth. And she has these breasts, these udders, full of milk for her baby, and she can’t feed her baby. And that would be incredibly painful, both physically and emotionally.”