Were you just too goofy for Georgia?
I think her and I are like chalk and cheese. I wouldn’t say I’m too goofy, it’s just that she’s far more refined than I am. She’s smart, intelligent, attractive… I’m a bit more of a larrikin. I’m a 5 ½ and I’ve got crazy eyes.
People on social media were saying you act like you’re on cocaine. A mate told me they thought you were high on weed when you first met Georgia. What’s your reaction?
People always say I look like that! I’m just excited, bouncing off walls … and they think I’m on drugs. I’m just high on life, I guess. But I was pretty excited, as you could see. I once walked into a doctor’s surgery and the guy thought I had a thyroid condition, because apparently crazy eyes can be a symptom of that. They wanted to give me a blood test.
Did you take it?
Yes. And I didn’t have the condition.
But do you think you could have behaved a bit differently when you met Georgia?
You know, I could have eased into a few things I said, waited until second date and only told her I did one poo instead of three. It’s not like I sat back and said I had a game plan or rehearsed anything. I just don’t really speak with a filter. If I can’t talk to [a girl I like] about what I’ve done during the day, what can I talk about? Anyway, I don’t know how well that went down. I think like a lead balloon.
What would Georgia have learnt about you if she’d kept you around longer?
Probably that I’m not just the crazy-eyed larrikin she saw. I’m a pretty genuine guy, I was there for genuine reasons. Unfortunately, she didn’t get to see that. I went in at fifth gear and full throttle, when what I should have done was idled, maybe just gone in at second gear. But you know, I’m the kind of guy that you will either love or hate. There’s not a lot of in-between with me. You’ll meet me at a party and you’ll walk away saying I’m either an absolute legend or a dead-set flog.
Did you feel anything for her beyond friendship?
I didn’t get to spend enough time with her to figure that out, to get into it physically. Like I’ve said before, she’s absolutely gorgeous and very intelligent. She’s like a fine wine. And my type of girl is probably a Passion Pop.
Let’s talk about some of the guys in the house. What are we supposed to make of Sam?
I shared a room with both Sam and Rhys. And you know, I spent probably two and a half weeks with them, so I’ve only really seen what they’re like in front of each other. From what I saw, they’re both cool dudes, but they’re different kinds of guys. I reckon they’re just flirting. Maybe they’re speaking in some kind of male model flirting code we just don’t know about yet. I don’t speak model, so I don’t know. We’ll probably end up seeing them pash later on.
In the press kit for The Bachelorette, you say you think the perfect date involves winning a meat tray. Please elaborate.
Well, my perfect date would be consist of riding around on pushbikes, going from RSL to RSL, playing some bingo with Maisie and Herbert and a few old ladies, then wining a meat raffle. I mean, have you ever won a meat raffle and not been happy?
Who do you see Georgia taking to the end, at this point?
What I’ve seen, and you haven’t seen yet, is that the two Matts are pretty amazing guys. They’ve got good values towards women, and hopefully Australia gets to see that. I’m frothing on both of them.
What’s next for you?
It’s back to the drawing board. I’ve got to get back on Tinder, go on some dates with some batshit crazy women, and hopefully find one that wants to end up with a crazy-eyed pooer!
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