
EXPOSED: The Voice’s biggest ever ‘cheating’ scandal

Did Guy Sebastian finally go too far?
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He’s already faced a barrage of criticism after his brother and several of his friends signed up to take part on The Voice this year.


But it was Guy Sebastian’s side-stepping of the rules on Monday night’s episode that really sent things into a spin.

WATCH: Guy Sebastian breaks the rules in The Voice’s biggest ever cheating scandal

After 31-year-old singer Wolf Winters blew away the Choir singer with a rendition of Simon & Garfunkel’s Sound of Silence, Guy couldn’t help but turn his chair – despite his team being full.

It didn’t take long for Kelly Rowland, the only coach with a remaining spot on her team to start flinging accusations of cheating at Guy.

Wolf Winters
Wolf Winters blew Guy away with his performancec – but the coach’s team was full. (Credit: Channel Nine)

“Guy, what are you doing?” the shocked Destiny’s Child singer asked. “You are cheating!”

Fellow coach Boy George was equally outraged, telling Guy “You’re full, you can’t have this man anyway!”

George then demanded extra chair turns to add more members to his own team.

Guy Sebastian Kelly rowland
Guy turned for Wolf anyway, leading to accusations of cheating from Kelly Rowland, who was the only one with a spot free. (Credit: Channel Nine)

Guy breaking the rules caused so much drama that The Voice’s executive producer was forced to step in an intervene.

Due to The Voice’s international format, changing the rules like Guy was attempting to do added an extra problem as the format cannot be changed without first obtaining official permission.

The executive producer questioned Guy about what exactly went down, with Guy explaining that he just thought Wolf was so good that someone should have turned for him.


“The problem we have is that unless I can get Kelly to take him, we potentially have to tell him that he’s not through anymore,” the executive producer responded.

Guy Sebastian cheating scandal
The Voice’s executive producer was forced to step in to fix the situation Guy had caused. (Credit: Channel Nine)

Despite the EP pleading with Kelly to take Wolf through, she insisted she didn’t have enough women on her team and wanted a female voice to fill up her last spot.

She wasn’t pleased to have been forced into the awkward situation, telling Guy, “Don’t make me into the bad guy, you’re the one out here not following the rules!”


Wolf was left to linger awkwardly and make small talk with the coaches before the executive producer finally got the all clear for Wolf to join Guy’s team.

Guy Sebastian
The other coaches weren’t pleased with Guy’s sneaky move. (Credit: Channel Nine)

Explaining how the next stage would work with an extra person, the executive producer said Wolf’s battle would be slightly different than usual.

“Part of the philosophy of The Voice is always that we put the artist first,” he told the coaches.


“And I think the stipulation has to be that Guy has a battle with three people with Wolf and he can only take one person through so he doesn’t have additional people.”

This means while the rest of the coaches’ artists will have two-person battles, Guy will have one three-way battle where two people go home and the coaches will then have the same number of artists going through to the next round.

The Voice continues Sunday 7pm on Channel Nine

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