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Victoria Beckham latest celeb to join You Tube

To connect with her fans and talk all things fashion & beauty.

Victoria Beckham is the latest celebrity to join the vlogging world. Recently, supermodel Naomi Campbell also launched her own You Tube channel which you can read about here.


Celebrities joining You Tube to increase engagement and reach a wider audience is becoming more popular and we can only imagine that more will follow suit in the future.

While supermodel Naomi Campbell wants fans to see more of her personal side (including her philanthropic work and how she was discovered as a model), fashion designer Victoria Beckham expresses that her channel: “Will be full of makeup tutorials, styling tutorials, lots of stuff from me…I am really excited to be able to reach out to my customer, get to know him and her better and there will lots of fun and exciting stuff.” and that this is an opportunity to connect to her fans.

Below with You Tube’s fashion and beauty director, Derek Blasberg who chats to Beckham in her launch video. 


Beckham already had an existing You Tube channel which has actually been around for about 6 years, however now with the announcement of an updated channel focussed on fashion and beauty, she has quickly gained over 30, 000 subscribers. Beckham posted the official announcement on her personal Instagram with the caption I will be launching my own @youtube channel with beauty tutorials, styling tips and lots of stuff from me. Stay tuned! x Subscribe to my channel at the link in bio today x Kisses VB

See the full video (which also happens to coincide with the 10th anniversary of her fashion label) here.

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