
How Many Calories in a Bottle of Wine?

We discuss!

Winding down on the couch with a glass of your favourite wine is the perfect way to cap off any stressful day. Not only is it pleasurable to drink because of its rich taste, wine also packs a handful of proven health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, lowers cholesterol levels, and reduces the risk of heart disease. However, like with any other food or drink, wine should only be consumed in moderation, particularly because of its caloric content.


It’s easy to lose track of our caloric intake when we consume liquids as opposed to solid foods; therefore it is often easy to overlook the caloric content of wine on a night out. This guide will help you learn which wines are the best (and worst) at keeping your weight and health in check.

Where Do The Calories In Wine Come From?

Energy is stored in the different compounds present in food, such as fat, complex carbs, simple sugars, among others. The amount of energy that your body can derive from the food you eat is measured in calories, or less frequently, in kilojoules. The calories found in wine come from its alcohol content and its residual sugars. Every gram of alcohol has about 7 calories, while every gram of residual sugar has 4 calories.

How Many Calories In A Bottle Of Wine?

Wine is usually sold in 750ml or 25.4oz bottles. The total amount of calories in a bottle of wine depends on its level of sweetness, the kind of wine it is, and its alcohol percentage.

calories in wine
(Credit: Unsplash)

How Sweet Is Your Wine?

Drier wines are likely to have a lower calorie count than sweet wines. Wines are generally grouped into three levels of sweetness: dry, semi-sweet (or off-dry), and sweet. However, when referring to the sweetness of champagne, different terms are used: extremely dry champagnes are called “brut”, dry ones are called “sec”, and sweet ones are called “doux”.

A wine’s dryness or sweetness depends on how much of its grape sugars have been fermented into alcohol; a dry wine has all of its sugar content fermented, while a sweet wine would have most of its grape sugar intact. Because of this, sweet wines typically have a lower alcohol content than dry wines, unless they are fortified.

Calories In Red Wine Vs. Calories In White Wine Vs. Calories In Other Kinds Of Wine

Wines are usually grouped into 5 kinds. These are:

  • Red wines: made with black grapes
  • White wines: made with green grapes
  • Rosé: made with black grapes without their skin, or by mixing red wine with white wine
  • Sparkling wines: made by fermenting wine a second time to cause carbonation (or bubbles), these can be red, white, or rosé.
  • Fortified wines: made by adding spirits to wine to jack up their alcohol content, these are usually made to be dessert beverages

Red wines usually have the highest number of calories compared to whites, rosés, and sparkling wines. Fortified wines, however, are on a different level altogether in terms of caloric content. Because of their high sugar and alcohol levels, they are usually served in smaller portions.

red wine calories
Sorry red lovers, your drink of choice usually has the most calories

The Alcohol Content Of Wine

The greatest factor that affects a wine’s total caloric count is its alcohol percentage. Alcohol has more calories per gram than residual sugar. Therefore, no matter how dry a wine is, if its alcohol content is quite high, you can safely expect it to be more calorie-rich than a sweet wine with a low alcohol percentage.

Out of all the kinds of wine listed above, fortified wines are the most calorie-rich. This is a no-brainer, given that fortified wines are usually red, sweet, and have a very high alcohol percentage.

It is generally wiser to avoid drinks with too much alcohol if you are in the process of losing weight. This is because, according to a study conducted by  Purdue University, alcohol enhances the taste of fat and salt. This is why we crave bacon and eggs the morning after a drinking binge!


If you really want to get your wine fix without the extra calories and the hangover, going with a low-calorie wine with a low alcohol percentage—a dry white Riesling will do the trick.

How Many Calories In A Glass Of Wine?

Another factor you have to look at when figuring out how many calories you’re taking in per glass of wine is the size of your pour. Pour sizes vary depending on the type of wine. Most wines are served in 5oz pours. For champagne, the pour size is smaller, at 4oz. Fortified wines, because of their high alcohol content and their strong taste, are generally served in a 2oz pour only.

In order to eliminate your guesswork, here is a handy chart that details the number of calories you get per glass of different kinds of wine.

Calories In A Glass Of Red Wine (At 5oz Per Pour)


ABV (Alcohol By Volume)

Number Of Calories Per Pour




Pinot Noir



Cabernet Sauvignon



Calories In A Glass Of White Wine (At 5oz Per Pour)

Sauvignon Blanc



Pinot Gris






Calories In A Glass Of Rosé  (At 5oz Per Pour)

White Merlot



Pink Moscato



Calories In A Glass Of Champagne (At 4oz Per Pour)

Dom Perignon



Calories In A Glass Of Fortified Wine (At 2oz Per Pour)





Ruby Port



Many factors affect people’s choices in wine: their personal taste, the accompanying food, the occasion, their mood, and their alcoholic tolerance. If we start considering the caloric contents of the wines we drink alongside these other factors, it will be much easier for us to make healthier choices. Stay healthy, and happy drinking!

RELATED: This $7 bottle of wine is one of the best in Australia

SEE ALSO: 5 must-visit wine bars in Sydney

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