What’s Fit Friday?
Fit Friday is something we do every day at Lorna Jane. Put simply, it’s a day when companies encourage their teams to wear active wear to work to support building a happier, healthier and more productive workplace. By wearing it to work you’re setting yourself up for a more active, energetic and health conscious day.
The first official Fit Friday will be on the 25th May and then the last Friday of each month thereafter.
What’s the message behind it?
We want to make it easier to make health and fitness a priority. We spend so much time at work that we thought it was important to create a way for companies to provide their teams with an opportunity to be more active, productive and mindful of making positive decisions around their health through their workday.
You may be more inclined to get up and move around, to take the stairs or to go to someone’s desk to ask a question and to make more mindful choices about your health and wellbeing. It also makes it super easy to head straight to the gym or for a run after work, or more comfortable to walk a few extra steps before getting on the bus. It makes being active easier and more convenient.
There’s also the additional bonus of having your whole team with you. Some people are more motivated than others, so it’s nice to have a group of like-minded people, supporting each other and making it fun.
What are your tips for mindful eating?
My top tip for mindful eating is to make sure that you’re not distracted. So, no eating in front of the TV or at your desk, as tempting as it is. You need to be able to focus on what you’re doing so that you can enjoy your meal and appreciate that it is nourishing your body.
You’re also able to notice how you feel and how different foods impact your mood, mindset and energy levels. It’s important not to rush and to breathe in between bites. Allow your body to digest properly by taking your time and actually slowing down to savour the flavours.
Do you think it’s an important message to encourage staff to be more active throughout the day?
Yes, absolutely! The benefits of investing in health are huge. Your team will have more energy and know that you genuinely care about their wellbeing, but it’s also proven that happiness, engagement and productivity all increase. If you can achieve all of this by simply encouraging people to wear their active wear to work on Fit Friday’s… why not? Just switch for one Friday a month and everyone will benefit.