Bride & Prejudice’s Ange chats to WHO about why she has respect or her father John, despite his view about gay marriage.
WHO: Despite what your dad says about not approving of gay relationships and gay marriage, you still have a pretty good relationship with him…
ANGE: My dad has been the only parent in my life since I was six years old. He kept a roof over our heads, he fed us and he tried to give us the best childhood he possibly could have on his own. I think that is an amazing achievement for anybody, male or female so I have a lot of respect for him.
I also believe that everybody is entitled to their own opinion, just because he disagrees with the lifestyle I live doesn’t mean I am going to never speak to him again. Our relationship goes a lot further than just opinions.
RELATED: Dylan speaks out about John

WHO: How did you feel when your dad compared being gay to incest?
ANGE: Oh god I honestly forgot about this until just now! I don’t really think he meant it so much in that way. I think he was trying to get his point across and say that incest is highly unacceptable in society and I think he was trying to say that (he believes) being gay was also.
Still not the best thing to compare it too but like I said, each to their own. I don’t see it that way so it doesn’t change my opinion at all.
WHO: What do you think your mum would think of Dylan?
ANGE: I think my mum would absolutely love Dylan. My mum was a very smart and strong woman and Dylan also has those traits. I know that she would respect Dylan for the person that she is as she would with me if she were still alive and didn’t agree.

WHO: Did you enjoy the dinner parties?
ANGE: The dinner parties were amazing! It was so great to be able to gather around a table with people we could relate too on such a personal level. The dinner parties allowed us to get to know each other even more.
They were amazing, there was never a point where we all had nothing to talk about. I honestly wish i could go back!
Bride & Prejudice continues at 7:30pm on SEVEN