
Health warning for anyone who’s visited Westfield Sydney

NSW Health released a statement following the measles outbreak.

A person infected by measles has frequented a range of busy Sydney locations during the school holidays.


The person visited Liverpool Westfield, Blacktown Hospital and the Powerhouse Museum between April 13-17.

NSW Health issued a health warning to the public after a measles outbreak in Western Sydney.

“Ten cases have now been confirmed in the past week, signalling an outbreak of measles in western Sydney particularly in the Auburn and Bankstown local government areas,” Dr Vicky Sheppeard, Director Communicable Diseases, NSW Health, said. “This brings the total number of cases in NSW, with onset this year, to 19.”

Symptoms of measles include “fever, sore eyes and a cough followed three or four days later by a red, blotchy rash spreading from the head and neck to the rest of the body”, according to NSW Health.

NSW Health are also urging people aged between 20-30 to check if they’ve been immunised against measles.

“Measles is highly contagious and is spread in the air through coughing or sneezing by someone who is unwell with the disease,” said Dr Shepperd.

“Unless you are certain you have had two doses of measles vaccine, you should visit your GP as soon as possible for free measles vaccination, as it is safe to have it again.”

See here for more information.

This article originally appeared on That’s Life.

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