
Laura Byrne diffuses pregnancy chatter by holding an alcoholic beverage Matty J

This is officially on the Rekord-erlig
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Our favourite love birds Matty J and Laura Byrne sparked some major baby pregnancy rumours.


And now the very savvy Laura Byrne is subtly squashing those rumours by the very smart technique of: “Look at me, I’m holding an alcoholic beverage.”

Bachie’s first baby is a title held by Willow Wendy Woods. Watch 2015 Bachelor Sam talk about parenthood with his winner Snezana.

It’s a tale as old as time – you want to wait 12 weeks before confirming your with child.

Many love to us the Kate Middleton method of holding a wine glass to throw everyone off the scent of a baby. 

Kate famously cheers in Poland.. But at the time she was pregnant with Prince Louis! (Credit: Getty)

Now Laura Byrne may have done the same thing.

The Bachie winner kicked back with Matty J enjoying a bottle of Rekorderling cider.


Earlier this year, Matty J told WHO that he and Laura definitely wanted kids in the immediate future.

“I’m hoping in 12 months’ time we’ll be looking to start a family,” the former Bachelorstar announced.

“Laura’s definitely the person I want to have a family with, but we’re just so busy.”


And things are about to get a whole lot busier with Matty J following in Sam Frost’s footsteps.

He is joining Sarah McGilvray and Fitzy and Wippa’s news reader Matt De Groot to host Nova’s summer breakfast slot.

“You’re really putting yourself out there on radio for criticism and I don’t have the excuse of ‘it’s my first time cut me some slack’,” MJ told the Daily Telegraph.


“I’ve got mixture of nerves and excitement like with any job. You get first day nerves and you really don’t want to stuff up and make a good first impression.”

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