“When will you have a baby?”
It was the question Nikki Phillips, 36, had been asked a million times before, but today it was much harder to hear. Because today, she was hosting an event in front of hundreds – and suffering a miscarriage.
“I was on the red carpet wearing an adult diaper – and people were asking me when I was going to have a child,” Nikki told WHO Magazine Editor Keshnee Kemp on the Raw Talks podcast.
“They were saying, ‘don’t wait too long because you’re getting older’ and I was literally having a miscarriage.”
“It was a really, really, really hard time. (The night before the event) I was in emergency and they wouldn’t even tell me that I was having a miscarriage. They let me go and the next day I was on stage talking to 400 people. Whilst having a miscarriage.”
It was the first of three miscarriages Nikki and her husband Dan Rumble, had endured on their journey to conceive.
In Raw Talks, WHO Magazine’s newest podcast featuring candid conversations with some of Australia’s most interesting women, Nikki described why it was so important for her to talk about the suffering around such huge loss. And why she doesn’t regret the journey she and Dan took to conceiving their beautiful little boy, Jett, now one.
Hear more from Nikki about her struggle to fall, the elation of finally having her son and how she’s doing things differently with baby number two.

Listen to the podcast below and more here including Keshnee’s chat with Robyn Lawley.