Some of MasterChef Australia’s best-kept secrets have been exposed by an audience member who attended a live taping of the show.
WATCH: Masterchef contestant Poh is overwhelmed by crowds support
Melbourne mother Donna De La Rue told Yahoo Lifestyle she was surprised at what really went on behind the scenes after attending the taping of an episode where the contestants were asked to cook inside a warehouse full of excited fans.
Donna apparently witnessed a handful of assistants racing around the set helping the contestants complete their meals.

‘Every single one of those contestants had a cooking helper. Every single one of them,’ she claimed.
‘There were people running around in black T-shirts everywhere. There were people telling them whether it needed more spice et cetera.’
Not only that, the mystery helpers also cleaned up after the contestants.

Furthermore, several contestants finished cooking their dishes earlier than others and spent the remaining time just standing around – something which wasn;t shown when the episode aired on Monday.
‘Poh [Ling Yeow] finished really, really early, she probably stood around for 15 minutes and did nothing,’ Donna said.
‘And then when they started the countdown she fussed around a little bit, but none of them were right on the buzzer for the countdown – that was all crap.’
Donna also revealed that crew members had held up signs directing the audience when clap, shout and sigh throughout the cook-off.