
The moment Married At First Sight’s Heidi read from a script

This is getting ridiculous!
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There’s been so much happening on Married At First Sight Australia that it’s understandable if things get lost between the cracks.


And that includes the amount of times fans have noted the show sounds scripted.

Earlier this week, Heidi spoke from the heart to her hubby Mike… And from some well written out words.

As the couple sat on the beach front, Heidi confided into Mike about her fears, hopes and dreams.

The only thing that was missing was the jazz music and some soft lighting.  


“I just feel in relationships we speak different languages. You speak one language,” she said.

“We all have different love languages. We receive and we show love in different ways. So you are showing me love you think you’re showing me, but I can’t feel it.”

Fans noted you could Heidi reading in Mike’s sun glasses reflection: “Whereas I’m showing you love in a way, and you’re going, ‘Oh what do you mean?’ It’s like we’ve got to learn each other’s love language.”


One fan took to social media saying, “Typical Channel Nine. Agenda driven, lying media manipulation. And we all fall victim to it even knowing this… wake up guys! Really, wake up!”

But another played devil’s advocate: “Could be a script, could be a book, or it could be a screen to light her face better. Good eyes though to pick that one up. If they show a face that isn’t speaking the words, chances are it was pieced in afterwards.”

Watch the clip at the top and decide for yourself!

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