
The real reason why Rita Ora had to lip sync at Macys thanksgiving parade

This actually makes sense...
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Rita Ora has come under fire for lip syncing at the 2018 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.


But apparently it is completely normal.

Watch the now viral performance in the video player below to see if you can tell she is miming. 

On Thursday, Twitter users called out Ora, 27, for lip syncing during her performance at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Performing her hit “Let You Love Me,” she seemed to have missed her cue by less than a minute.


And it didn’t go unnoticed.

“Was Rita Ora lip syncing a completely different song in the #macysthanksgivingdayparade just now?” one fan wrote.

“Oh no, that Rita Ora lip sync was tragic,” said another.


“Why are people surprised @RitaOra lip-synced during the #MacysDayParade they all do it. Did everyone miss @johnlegend doing the same thing?” @RichEdenGOE tweeted.


Luckily for Ora, fellow singer John Legend came to her defense.

Taking to Twitter, he explained, “Fun fact. We all have to lip sync on this parade because the floats don’t have the capacity to handle the sound requirements for a live performance.”  


“Hope y’all enjoyed it anyway,” he added. “Know that if you come to my shows, the vocals are 100% live!”

Ora quickly responded to Legend saying,“Fun fact @johnlegend thank you for clarifying what I was about to also tweet. It’s annoying for us but anyway!”

“All my shows are 100 percent live always have been!” she continued.


“When you come to a ORA show get ready! Back to holidays! Have a good one guys!”

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