Who Is Susan Carland?
Susan Carland is one of the most prominent Muslims in Australia. She is an academic, an author, a feminist, and is known in Australia for her media presence as an advocate for women’s rights.
Susan Carland has as a PhD from Monash University. Her thesis focused on “Muslim women combating sexism from within the religion’s own traditions and communities”.
In 2004, Susan Carland was named Australian Muslim of the Year. She was also decided to be one of the 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World and was honoured by the UN Alliance of Civilizations with the title of a “Muslim Leader of Tomorrow”.
Is Susan Carland On Instagram?
Yes. Her Instagram handle is @susancarland.
How Old Is Susan Carland?
Dr Susan Carland was born in 1980. Making her 39 years old in 2019.
Where Did Susan Carland Grow Up?
Dr Carland grew up in one of Melbourne’s eastern suburbs, Forest Hill.
Who Are Dr Susan Carland’s Parents?
Dr Carland’s mother is originally from New Zealand, and her father is Australian.
Where Did Dr Susan Carland Go To School?
Dr Carland attended public schools. For her doctorate, she attended Monash University. She shared that other than academics, her other pursuits included ballet, which she started taking lessons for when she was seven years old.
Was Dr Susan Carland Raised Muslim?
No, Dr Carland was not raised Muslim. She was born and raised Christian but converted to Islam in her late teens.
Why And When Did Dr Carland Convert To Islam?
At the age of 17, Susan promised herself that she would start exploring different religions in an effort to understand herself and her role in society better. She approached her research academically and initially joined a Baptist church. Though she had positive interactions and experiences with the church and its members, she felt that the religion did not answer her questions.
Two years later, at the age of 19, she converted to Islam. Dr Carland shared that although she had preconceived it to be violent and sexist, through her thorough research and immersion in the religion, she felt a deep intellectual appreciation for the Islamic concept. “When I read about Islam itself, I realised it was actually very different to what I thought.
“It was actually very peaceful, very egalitarian, with strong emphasis on equal treatment of women, and a strong stance on social justice. I thought it was a very intellectual religion, yet it was also very spiritual, and that also appealed to me as well”.
Dr Susand Carland On The Hijab
Dr Carland shared that while she was concerned about how she was going to tell her friends and family that she had converted faiths from Christianity to Islam, she was also excited to start wearing a headscarf. A few days after she broke the news to her mother, she started wearing one.
“The reason I wear the hijab or the headscarf is as an active worship to God. It’s just about reminding myself who I am, what my values are, why I’m here” Dr Carland shared.
“There are some women who say wearing a hijab’ is a feminist statement” she shared. “In a society where women’s bodies are used to sell everything from toothpaste to cars, [for those women] covering [their] body is about saying I’ll decide who sees my body and what parts they get to see by wearing a hijab and covering my body I’m choosing not to have my body commodified in that way”.
Dr Susan Carland And Waleed Aly’s Relationship
What Is Susan And Waleed Aly’s Nationality?
Susan is Australian, and Waleed is Egyptian and Australian.
When Did Susan And Waleed First Get Together?
Susan and Waleed first met when they were both around 16. They first only spoke on the phone but eventually met in person when Susan went by Waleed’s family’s home to do some researching about the Islamic faith.
Years later, Waleed grew to be fond of Susan and proposed that they start dating, to which, she replied, “I wouldn’t marry you if you were the last person on earth.”
After a year, Susan’s feelings clearly changed as she apologized and asked him on a date, and the rest is history!
When Did Susan Carland And Waleed Aly Get Married?
Their wedding was held in 2002, Susan and Waleed got married on the lawns of Melbourne Zoo.
Do Susan Carland And Waleed Aly Have Children?
Yes, Susan and Waleed have two kids, a daughter named Aisha, and a son named Zayd. Zayd happens to have autism; the couple has been open and public about this in recent years and are reportedly very proud of his creativity.
Who Did Susan And Waleed Date Before Each Other?
It seems neither of them publicly dated anyone seriously prior to being together.
Susan Carland On Her And Waleed Being A “Muslim Power Couple”
Dr Carland has mentioned her dislike of the term “Muslim power couple” in previous interviews. She has stated that “It’s bizarre, we’re not even remotely powerful!” She continued, “If I’m asked to comment on things I will always preface it by saying I’m not a spokesperson, I’m not a community leader, I’m not an expert on these things I’m just a person. I have opinions on things but I don’t represent anyone other than myself”.
What Is Susan Carland Up To Lately?
Dr Carland currently teaches gender studies, politics, and sociology at Monash University. She is also hosts SBS quiz show Child Genius.