
MKR winners: Where are they now?

Past champs tells what they've cooked up since taking the reality title.
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Dan & Steph – 2013

Dan and Steph Mulheron had plans for their $250, 000 My Kitchen Rules prize money: IVF Treatment. The result? On Feb. 8, days after returning from holiday, the couple are wrapping up an afternoon in their café Eat @ Dan and Steph’s, as daughter Emmy, 23 months 0 conceived on their very first IVF cycle- whizzes around.


Beings parents, says Dan, 26, is “one hundred per cent” as wonderful as they hoped.

Dan and Steph also used their MKR cash for a house deposit and to open a business – the café, a baby range called EAT with Emmy, and two cookbooks. 

Will & Steve – 2015

When they clinched the MKR crown, former English bankers and Sydney pals Will Stewart, 39, and Steve Flood, 33, used their new-found fame to start a business, the Gourmet Pommies, and pursue a career in what their website calls “food, lifestyle and media.”


Bree & Jessica – 2014

Bree May’s days are packed: she runs catering business Food According to Bree, has a handcrafted range of ketchups, writes recipes and whips up “plenty of veg and meat” for her children and husband.

Her MKR teammate Jessica Liebich is just as busy. Head chef at an Adelaide café, she has a line of artisan cake mixes, Messy Jessy, which she hopes to sell nationally. 

Bree says she and Jessica aren’t in touch anymore: “there’s no animosity, but we’re doing different things.”


Veronica & Shadi – 2010

When they won the first series of MKR, the Brisbane couple said their dream was to have kids “in abundance.” Mission accomplished! Shadi and Veronica Abraham now have four children, Antonia, 5, Elena, 3, Giselle, 2, and Julius, 4 months.

The busy domestic schedule saw them last year give up their eatery, Ave Cucina.  


Tasia & Gracia – 2016

After Melbourne’s Seger sisters won MKR, “the cheque was just lying in my room,” says Tasia, 27. “The only the thing the pair have bought with their earnings is a camera. While Tasia and Gracia are still living with their parents, their lives have changed. “We launched our sauce, had a pop-up restaurant and we’re doing food demos and private dinners,” says Gracia, 26.

Leigh & Jennifer – 2012

Leigh Saxton, 38, now runs Adelaide florist shop Lilli-Anthus Floral Design, a candle business and the Two brothers Events Co. She has no contact now with teammate Jennifer Evans, who has had two sons and split from husband Wayne Ormond. “I’d reach out to her,” says Leigh, “but the messages just fell on deaf ears.”


Sammy & Bella – 2011

Since Sydney’s Jakubiak sisters’ triumph, they have opened Sammy’s Burger Bar, boutique catering businesses, launched sauce brand Saucy Sister and judged the 2015 World Pasta Championships in Italy, plus have an upcoming TV project. “It’s hard work, says Bella, 34.

Sammy, 27, handles pop-ups, the burgers and festivals. “I’ve got a terrible back, calluses on my hands and I’m loving every minute.”



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