Pete Davidson just joked about his suicide scare on SNL and no one’s laughing

This is not ok.
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I know he’s a comedian and most of what he says is in jest, but Pete Davidson’s most recent gag is unacceptable. 

Over the weekend, the star opened up about his suicide scare on Saturday Night Live… by making a joke about it. 

“As you know, I’ve had a really crazy month but I want to talk about something that matters a lot to me— the new Clint Eastwood movie, The Mule!” he said with a laugh. 

Comedian John Mulaney then chimed in saying, “I’ve been spending some time with Pete to try to show him that you can have a life in comedy that is not insane. A sober, domestic life.” 

“Yeah, and after observing John’s life, I publically threatened suicide,” Pete said, hoping we’d all laugh. “I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t make that joke,” he continued, smiling, “but it is funny.”

I’m sorry, but when is it EVER ok to joke about taking your own life? For someone who once said “I’ve spoken about BPD and being suicidal only in the hopes that it will help bring awareness and help kids like myself who don’t want to be on this earth,” his latest joke seems to do the opposite.

He should know better. He should be better. 


Last year, fans freaked out when the distressed star announced on Instagram that he didn’t “want to be on this earth anymore”. “I’m doing my best to stay here for you but I actually don’t know how much longer I can last,” he also said.

Following his alarming post, several celebrities, including his ex-fiance Ariana Grande, took to social media to show their support. 

If you are experiencing mental health issues or suicidal feelings contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or BeyondBlue 1300 224 636. If it is an emergency please call triple-0.

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