
Backlash as Bride and Prejudice dad’s ‘Satan’ rant shocks Australia

It's the TV moment that everyone is talking about today
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It’s the confrontation that everyone’s talking about: the moment that controversial dad John tried to scare his future daughter-in-law Dylan into abandoning plans for a same-sex wedding with John’s daughter Ange


The deeply religious dad, who adheres to a strict, fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible, warned a patient Dylan that she and Ange were being manipulated by the devil – and that they were both destined to burn in hell if they went ahead with their marriage.

‘This ludicrous idea is not only going to take you to hell, but also my daughter,’ ranted John – who previously warned his daughter that marriage was for ‘Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.’

Buckling down, he insisted: ‘You have to reconsider.’


While Dylan said that she didn’t believe in either God or the devil, John was insistent that marriage was strictly a sacred institution, and that she was being manipulated by a malignant supernatural force into believing she was in love with a woman.

‘The devil’s got you tricked, mate,’ he said. ‘It’s an abomination to the Lord.

‘Abomination is not something I want to be a part of.’

While Dylan was very patient with John, arguing that she loved John’s daughter and that a marriage would be an appropriate celebration of their life commitment, many viewers were less forgiving in their responses with social media flooded with condemnation.


‘If God Doesn’t allow 2 awesome people be together and get married because they are the same sex then I don’t want to go to Heaven,’ wrote Ben on Twitter. ‘Send me to Hell the Party with the Gays.’


Tweeted Luke Burnham: ‘Poor old John, does he realize how dumb he sounds. This poor girl is being sooooo respectful.’

Others wrote to compliment Dylan on her calm amid the fraught scenes.

‘Dylan is just a beautiful soul,’ wrote Ira Snave. ‘I love watching a relationship like her and Ange’s, where they’re just unbreakable despite the language that’s thrown their way.

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