Get ready for some hard facts: Tai Hara will go down as one of the greatest Home and Away characters of all time.
WATCH BELOW: In one of his many iconic and wet scenes
The 29-year-old played Andrew Barrett from 2013 to 2016.
After saying goodbye to him in very nefarious circumstances (remember the whole killing Charlotte and then being on the runthing) – we caught up with the fan fav to see if he’d return to our screens.
“I never say never. Fortunately I didn’t die when I left now which I’m sure he is still alive out there somewhere.”
While Tai may have (semi) closed the door to Andy, he’s got no qualms taking the mickey out of himself. Especially if it is for a good cause.

The actor teamed up with BWS to help curate the world’s greatest six-back.
And boy did he step up to the task.
In a real “twist my arm” moment, Tai got to travel the ends of the world to create the magical brew.
Of course, the entire thing was filmed.
“It’s quite funny because the whole premise behind the world’s biggest beer run is teaming up a beer expert with a celebrity. He thinks he’s quite a big deal and a lot of it was based on an amplified version of myself thinking I’m a quite a big deal from Home and Away.”
“But it was actually surprising how many people we met in all these countries whether be Australians or Brit or being from Belgium – who do watch the show and still remember from the show so [he was] definitely one of the most iconic characters.”

Speaking about H&A, he confessed, “There was such an amazing time of my life to be to be on my show and the fact that it’s still running and I’m still strong. I still have so many close friends that you kind of go through it with you or with your cohort.”
“It’s a little like you go through university as well you know you go through with your year and I feel totally in touch with all those people but it’s definitely such a good show that forge friendships and careers to this day.”
For now, Tai is focused on the beer life.
If you want to get your hands on the rarest 6-pack of all time, head to BWS.