The dreaded breakout… While waking up to an unwelcome guest on your face is not ideal, concealer can be considered the first weapon of choice when addressing pimples or blemishes.
It’s the art of brandishing this tool, however, that can leave people feeling confused. Whether its redness peeking through or cakey-appearing makeup, concealing blemishes is a skill in itself.
WATCH: Selena Gomez’ makeup artist shares her secret to concealing pimples. Article continues after video.
This is where celebrity makeup artist Melissa Murdick comes in. Known for painting the faces of stars like Rosalía, Ashley Tisdale, and Selena Gomez, she knows a thing or two about skilful makeup application.
And the artist has made quite the splash on TikTok. Taking to the platform to share her expert knowledge on all things makeup, the makeup aficionado solved all our blemish woes when demonstrating the right way to cover pimples.
The key? Don’t apply your concealer directly to your pimple!!
“You’re using more product than you need,” she said. To avoid cakiness, she shared her technique on carefully spot concealing. And all you need is your handy concealer, a “very small brush” (she sourced hers from an arts store, however, a precision concealer brush can also be used), and a fluffy blending brush.
Placing the product directly on the back of a clean hand (like a mini palette), Murdick advised her viewers to use the small and targeted brush to “pick up a little bit of concealer and pat it right on top of the area you want to cover”.
Then, she says to let the product sit on the spot for about 10 seconds. This will let the product dry down more so it adheres to the area better.
Taking a fluffy blending brush tap on the area (almost like you’re using a makeup sponge) “very lightly up and down”.
“We are just patting until we start to see it seep into the skin and then we will pat around the edges” the makeup artist said.
This ensures the product is seamlessly blended into the skin for a flawless coverage. For spots that need a little more, she shares you can use the technique a second time to ensure you’ve reached your maximum result.
And voilà, a perfectly concealed pimple!