
This country is home to world’s sexiest people!

And Australians ranked fifth..

WHEN it comes to world travel, it appears some countries are sexier than others.


 According to the latest survey by travel company Big 7, who surveyed 1.5 million people from their social media audience, the Easten European nation of Ukraine, birthplace of actress Mila Kunis, is home to the sexiest people on the planet.

Mila Klunis
Ukrainian actress, Mila Kunis (Credit: Getty Images)

Danish people came in at number two, while the Philippines, the home country of a slew of Miss World participants, has the third best-looking residents in the world.

Boasting bombshell natives like Adriana Lima and Gisele Bundchen, it’s hardly surprising Brazil ranked as the fourth most attractive nation in the poll.


Big 7 says respondents were not given any further specifications of the term ‘sexy’ so were able to interpret what sexy meant to them.

Gisele Bündchen
Brazilian, Gisele Bundchen (Credit: Getty Images)


With attractive locals like Elle Macpherson, Margot Robbie, Chris Hemsworth and Miranda Kerr, Australians ranked number five on the list of the world’s most beautiful people, followed by South Africans at number six.


 Sadly for Ireland, the nation was voted as having the world’s least sexy residents, while Croatians came in at 49, Belgians at 48 and Slovenians at 47.

Chris Hemsworth
Aussies were voted the world’s fifth sexiest nationality, thanks to the likes of Chris Hemsworth (Credit: Getty Images)

The World’s Sexiest Nationalities:

  1. Ukrainian
  2. Danish
  3. Filipino
  4. Brazilian
  5. Australian
  6. South African
  7. Italian
  8. Armenian
  9. English
  10. Canadian



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