For nine seasons, Natalie Gruzlewski has helped out city girls who have always dreamed of falling in love with a country boy and starting a new life on a farm.
This year she is hoping the special brand of magic that Farmer Wants a Wife delivers will help see five new country lads find The One.
But despite spending months on the road visiting some of Australia’s most beautiful rural spots, while enthusing the benefits of country living, the 44-year-old mum-of-one admits she hasn’t caught the bug for a tree change herself.
“I’m a Gold Coast girl, I’ve lived on the coast most of my life,” the TV host tells WHO.
“But I’ve loved having the opportunity to travel around parts of regional Australia and visiting these rural communities,” she adds.

What can we expect from this season of the dating show?
This season there are more romantic one-on-one dates and group catch-ups. The women are also spending a lot more time on the farms to road-test what life will really be like when living in a rural community, which is a great thing.
While there is still the same genuine romance and connection we’ve seen in other seasons, the group catch-ups do add some extra drama and there is a love triangle this season!
What do you think is the secret to the success of Farmer Wants a Wife as opposed to other dating shows?
Genuine chemistry. Everyone who is on the show is here for the right reasons – to find someone to settle down with.
Because we put the farmers in the driver’s seat and let them have control over who they want to spend their time with, it leads to more relationships.

Do you have a favourite farmer among the blokes this year?
They’re a great bunch of guys, they’re all my favourites!
Sometimes the farmers don’t find love. How does that make you feel after getting so close to them during filming?
I’m there every step of the way to support the guys on their journey for love. So after seeing a connection, it can be disappointing to see that some relationships just don’t work out.
But ultimately it’s the farmers who have to choose what is best for themselves.

How difficult do you think it is for the women to move to the county?
It can be a huge change and it’s not for everyone. But in today’s world, I think it’s getting easier to make the move.
With technology, it’s getting easier to stay in touch than it has been in the past. The pandemic has also seen changes where some people can work remotely, so they can take their job to the country with them.
What advice would you have for anyone who is thinking of applying next season or hoping to win the heart of a farmer?
My tips would be to simply be yourself. But also you really have to be open-minded and have a genuine willingness to make the move to the country if you find love.
(Farmer Wants a Wife premieres on Sun., Jul. 4 at 7pm on Channel Seven)