MAFS’ Cyrell and Eden have settled on a baby name

And it's very unusual!
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They recently revealed the gender of their unborn baby, and now Cyrell Paule and Eden Dally have confirmed they’ve picked out a name for their first child together.

WATCH the moment Cyrell and Eden find out the gender of their baby

The couple – who are welcoming a baby boy together in February – revealed they have agreed on a name together…and it’s all thanks to Instagram.

“My sister’s a week pregnant before me and then a week after is Eden’s sister so there’s been a lot of texting going on. But she has this name we liked so I went on Instagram and asked people to help,” Cyrell told a local publication.

“I really want a unique name, like I don’t want a Jack or a Jim or a Bob. People wrote in and we found one from Instagram that Eden and I both agreed on so hopefully that’s the one that stays.”

However, with a further four months to go until they meet their bub, the Married At First Sight star admitted she and her Love Island beau may still change their mind.

In a recent interview with WHO, Cyrell revealed they doubt they’ll ever get married.

“If we break up down the track… Not that we are, but you know [with a divorce] you get to get all the paperwork,” Eden said.

Cyrell, who became a household name after Married At First Sight, chimed in, “We just genuinely believe marriage is a piece of paper. We love each other and obviously that’s enough for us.”

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