
Married At First Sight Ning: What I said to Mark after he dumped me

Literally can't stop crying.
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Married At First Sight delivered our very first vow renewal dumping.


And we were not ready.

Ning Surasiang was brutally dumped by husband Mark Scrivens after she opened and bared her soul to him.

And now Ning is sharing what she said to Mark the moment the cameras stopped rolling.

Speaking to 9Honey, Ning said, “After I arrived home, I messaged Mark because I was so confused by what had happened.”


“It was really hard for me to get my head around the situation, I analysed everything we went through together and what we talked about on and off camera.”

As for Mark, he wanted his ex to get closure.

“In the first few days there was a fair bit of texting about the way it went, and we spoke in length about it a week later when the dust had settled and resolved a few things,” Mark explained.


“We have spoken a number of times since, but text most days now about the episodes that air and news articles about each other. Our relationship is very good. We text most days and send funny photos and memes all the time.”

“I respect her immensely from what she has been through in her life and how she deals with challenges and there is no animosity between us,” he added.

As for Ning, she admits, “Sometimes it’s best to follow your head because that heart of mine can sometimes give me wrong directions.”


“I entered the marriage crying and left it the same way. They say surrender and be vulnerable and it took me a while, but I did it.

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