Troy Delmege has certainly brought some funny moments to this season of Married At First Sight, and he didn’t hold back when WHO quizzed him about his time on the show!
1) Be honest, are you a paid actor?
Oh my goodness, no. I think an actor would have maintained more self-respect than I have. I’m glad it’s entertaining, but if you put video cameras on anyone all you want I’m sure you would turn up some interesting quirks in them.
2) You told TV wife
Ashley Irvin you love her. Why? When I was in the experiment, I definitely had tunnel vision for Ashley. I was determined to make it work; I’m a determined type of guy. At those moments I was seeing Ashley as the girl I was going to finish up with.
3) Who taught you to brush your teeth?
When I was really little, maybe 5 … your parents might watch you a little bit. Since then? No-one. I’ve never really questioned how I do it. I get a little toothpaste on the mirror sometimes …
4) And your massage skills?
I think you can induce different sensations with different parts of your hands. I tried to give the mother of all messages, which was this incredible combination of all different techniques rolled into one.
5) Was it good to bond with Carly Bowyer about feeling under-appreciated?
Definitely, I don’t think too many other couples had it as lopsided as we did … I gravitated towards the few people who were sympathetic.
For more on MAFS, pick-up a copy of WHO on-sale!