What REALLY happened when Victor stormed off the MKR set

Behind the scenes of THAT explosive moment

Tonight, MKR was thrown into chaos when Victor stormed off into the night after a blow up at Josh and Austin’s Ultimate Instant Restaurant.

In explosive scenes, the 29-year-old ripped off his microphone and it was all but confirmed he had decided to quit the show.

Victor’s teammate G, and eventually his secret lover Piper, ran out to make sure he was ok.

Victor and G
(Credit: Seven)

Eventually the boys returned to the table, deciding to continue with the show.

Here’s how everything went down, in Victor’s own words…

“I took my mic off and I walked down the street and I sat down,” he says.

“I realised for a moment, when I had a moment of clarity, that I didn’t need to sit around and cop any of this.

“In real life, when people are jumping down your throat or you don’t feel like you’re in a good space or you don’t like the energies that are around you, you’re alright to just walk away and take a breather and collect your thoughts.

(Credit: Seven)

“But on the show you’re in this bubble you can’t just do as you please.

“So, for a second, I realised that I didn’t need to be a contestant on the show, I could just be me and I could just walk away and I knew G well enough to know that whatever I did, he would have my back on it and I needed to leave at that point in time.”

For more reality TV goss, listen to the newest episode of reality TV podcast Real Talk with Holly & Ali below.

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