There’s no denying that this year’s professional rugby player Nick Cummins isn’t the type of man we’ve typically seen on dating show The Bachelor Australia —something the star of Season 6 readily acknowledges.
“The Bachelors in the past have been a certain mould—you know, they’re good-looking roosters, their hair is all prim and proper, and they look pretty sharp,” the sportsman tells WHO.
“I think I’ll bring a breath of fresh air.”
The curly haired larrikin says he’s been focused on his rugby career for the past 10 years, but now ‘The Honey Badger’ is taking time off from the game in the hope of finding true love.
“There’s been a hell of a journey; I’ve had a lot of experiences through rugby and past relationships,” Cummins says.
“I’ve certainly learned a lot.”

The 30-year-old admits he wasn’t sure about becoming this year’s Bachelor at first, but decided to have a “crack at it” anyway.
“I’d never thought about it [before],” he says. “But that’s probably what I needed: a new experience.”
Going into the mansion, Cummins tells WHO, “My biggest fear is regret—you’re in there for a reason. [This is] an opportunity to find a girl that you’ll end up being with.”

The Bachelor Australia Season 6 begins on Aug. 15 at 7.30 PM on Channel Ten.
Read the full story in this week’s issue of WHO, on sale now.