
Meet the ‘Australian Survivor: Champions Versus Contenders’ cast

Survivor goes Commando!
xxNetwork 10

Meet the castaways competing in Australian Survivor: Champions Versus Contenders.


12 ordinary Australians will go up against 12 castaways who have achieved excellence in their field. The two tribes will battle for up to 40 days in the tropical region of Savusavu for up to 50 days. Only one will become the sole Survivor.


Steve ‘Commando’ Willis, 41, NSW

steve commando willis australian survivor 2018
Steve ‘Commando’ Willis (Credit: Network 10)

Monika Radulovic, 27, NSW

australian survivor casr
(Credit: Network 10)

Brian, 36 VIC: Former AFL Legend.

Damien, 36 NSW: Ex Special Forces Commando.

Jackie, 44 VIC: World Series Poker Player.

Lydia, 36 VIC: Olympic Freestyle Skier.

Mat, 42 QLD: Dual Code Football Legend.

Moana, 30 VIC: WAFL Player.

Monika, 27 NSW: Miss Universe Australia 2015.

Russell, 45, USA: Survivor USA Player.

Samuel, 26, QLD: Astrophysicist.

Shane, 61, TAS: Olympic Swimming Legend.


Sharn, 41, VIC: Criminal Barrister

Steve, 41, NSW: Fitness Specialist.


Anita, 50 QLD: Sales Rep.

Benji, 26 VIC: Entrepreneur.

Fenella, 33 VIC: Interior Designer.

Heath, 33 QLD: Builder.

Jenna, 28 WA: FIFO Worker.

Matt, 35 QLD: Traffic Police Officer.

Paige, 24 SA: Marketing Coordinator.

Robbie, 26 SA: Construction Manager.

Shonee, 26 QLD: Pro-skater’s Wife.

Steve, 58 NSW: Take Away Delivery Rider.

Tegan, 32, WA: Management Consultant.

Zach, 39, WA: Personal Trainer.

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