
Why Daniel Radcliffe won’t watch ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’


Whether we like it or not, when we think of Harry Potter, a young and innocent Daniel Radcliffe pops into our mind.


And while we are well aware of Radcliffe’s love for the series, he delivered some shocking news earlier this week.

Stopping by Seth Meyer’s late night show, the 29-year-old actor admitted he will never watch J.K Rowling’s sequel, Harry Potter and the Curse Child which has now been turned into a Broadway play. 

“I’m probably not going to see it, I don’t have plans to,” Radcliffe said. “Not because I don’t think it would throw me into some existential crisis of like ‘Oh, is that what happened’ – I just feel like it would not be a relaxing evening at the theatre to be watching that.”


Providing a further explanation, Radcliffe said he feared that if he attended one of the shows, the attention would be on him and his reaction to the production.

While some are understandably upset with this admission, it’s totally fair that he’d feel uncomfortable if everyone in the theatre was watching him watch the show! 

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