
Keep Your Beauty Blender Clean With These Simple Steps!

Learn how to clean your beauty blenders properly with these three simple methods!

Beauty blenders are a must-have in any makeup kit. They’re soft, gentle on the skin, and they can blend products into every nook and cranny of your face. The teardrop-shaped sponge is one of the most useful tools for setting makeup, but just like brushes and traditional makeup sponges, they also need a good cleaning to keep mould and bacteria at bay.


So what’s the best way to clean beauty blenders without damaging the foam? In our guide, we’ll tell you how to wash beauty blenders properly so you get all that extra product and dirt out.

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Beauty Blender 101

Q: How To Clean A Beauty Blender?

A: A beauty blender is a foam sponge, so using plenty of gentle soap and water will get your old makeup off its surface. What’s important is that it’s done thoroughly without damaging the sponge. Leaving residue on a badly-cleaned blender will make you prone to breakouts next time you use it, so make it a point to clean it thoroughly!

Q: What Is A Beauty Blender?

A: A beauty blender is a makeup sponge made of foam and is used to pat makeup products like foundation or powder into the skin. Beauty blenders are great at gently ‘pushing’ liquid bases into the skin and building layers of product. These blenders can do everything that traditional makeup brush sets can do, but with just one tool!


Q: Why Are Beauty Blenders So Popular?

A: Makeup artists and celebrities like Selena Gomez and Emma Roberts are obsessed with beauty blenders. That’s because beauty blenders are versatile and make the most out of your makeup. It’s designed not to absorb any makeup product, so anything applied with the sponge is not wasted.

The squishy surface of a beauty blender also makes it bounce off the skin gently. Its unique teardrop shape allows you to pat products in with the round bottom, and then use the narrow tip to apply products to even the smallest corners of your face.

While the original teardrop form is still the best-selling one, beauty blenders now come in a variety of shapes like diamonds or triangle wedges.


Q: Why Do I Need To Clean My Beauty Blender?

A: Wondering why you keep breaking out even though you have a great skincare routine? If you’re not cleaning your beauty blender regularly, dirt and extra product will remain on the surface, and you’re going to end up with mould.

Yes, cleaning sponges can be a chore, but if you don’t clean your blender, you’ll be risking getting bacteria on your face. You’ll also keep getting acne because you’re applying makeup regularly with a dirty tool! Make it a habit to clean your sponge before every use, and to set it aside in a proper container so you don’t accidentally get dirt on your face.

Q: What Do I Need To Clean My Beauty Blender At Home?

A: To clean makeup sponges, you’re going to need a bar of soap and lots of water. You can also use cosmetic brush cleansers, baby shampoo, and a microwave, depending on which method you choose to clean your beauty blender.


How To Clean A Beauty Blender

1. Clean Your Blender With Liquid Cleanser Or Soap

When It’s Been Heavily Used, Cleanser Is A Great Way To Get It Thoroughly Cleaned

  • Squeeze your sponge under running water until it has completely expanded.
  • Add the liquid cleanser or soap. If you’re using bar soap, rub the sponge back and forth until you build up lots of soap. If you’re using a cleanser, apply it directly to the sponge and start pressing the sponge back and forth in your palm.
  • When you see that the white suds have absorbed all the makeup, rinse the sponge under running water until the water is clear.
  • Set the sponge aside to dry.

This method can be a bit drying on your sponge. If you’re concerned about sponge replacement, get a durable silicone makeup sponge, or save this for a scheduled monthly cleaning instead of a regular rinse.


2. Soak Your Blender

This Is The Way To Get All Stains Off Your Sponges

  • Fill a container with water and squirt in several drops of liquid cleanser.
  • Soak your sponge in the solution for several minutes.
  • After your sponge has been soaking for a while, rub your sponge into a soap bar. Concentrate on lathering up the stained areas.
  • When the old makeup starts coming out and mixing with the suds, run the sponge under clean water and squeeze it several times.
  • Set the sponge aside to completely dry.

3. Clean Your Blender In The Microwave

This One-Minute Extra Hack Makes Cleaning A Breeze

  • Make a mixture of liquid cleanser and water in a cup. You can also use baby shampoo or dishwashing soap for this. Make sure there’s enough mixture in the container to completely cover the sponge.
  • Wet the sponge in running water.
  • Fully submerge the sponge in the cup.
  • Microwave the cup for approximately one minute.
  • Wait at least half a minute before you pull the sponge out of the cup. The mixture should now have absorbed all the makeup residue, and your sponge will look good as new.
  • When the water has cooled down, rinse your sponge under running water and squeeze it out.
  • Set your sponge aside to dry.


Regularly cleaned makeup tools will last a lot longer! If you follow these simple steps, you won’t have to keep tossing out your old sponges. Prevent bacterial infections and make your beauty blender less prone to damage – use any of these three easy cleaning methods for a cleaner blender and a blemish free face!


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