So, what is the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant? And what exactly does deodorant do?
That’s an easy one. Antiperspirant contains ingredients that stop you perspiring. In other words, antiperspirant reduces the amount you sweat.
Deodorant is a de-odour product. Eg it prevents the smell that often comes with sweaty armpits. Which means, an antiperspirant deodorant should cover all bases.
The main difference is their active ingredients and you’ll rarely find a natural or aluminium-free antiperspirant.
Natural deodorants on the other hand are easy to come by so if you’re looking for a chemical free solution that will also help prevent sweating, you might find instead, that switching to natural products will reduce the sweat and also the odour.
So what should you use and why?

Stop the sweat!
It would be fait to say nobody wants to sweat excessively and you definitely don’t want BO. But is antiperspirant the answer or can deodorant alone do the trick?
Excess sweating can be a problem that affects your self-esteem. We’re conditioned to be perfect and a sweat patch under the arms doesn’t really make for an Instagram post you’d want to share.
But before you go in search of an aluminium-based antiperspirant, know this: if you go natural it can make all the difference.

No sweat
I don’t usually make these blogs personal but in this instance I’m going to.
I’m a sweater.
When I go to the gym I’m an all-out, dripping-from-the-chin kind of girl. If I go for a run (which is rare these days) my armpits will make a clapping sound from all the sweat. In the past I’d often have sweat patches under my arms and hence, you’ll most often find me wearing black.
Ever since I can remember I’ve used deodorant and antiperspirant (spray and roll on) in an attempt to stop what I considered to be excessive sweating, and to ultimately do whatever I can to ensure I don’t smell.
So if you’re worried about sweating I’d like to share the word that I found a product that is cruelty-free, chemical-free and has reduced my sweating to a manageable level.
Deodorant vs antiperspirant? Which do you think it is?

From antiperspirant to deodorant
If you sweat a lot you’ll know, it affects how you feel in social situations, and if you’re female, even more so.
For years I was well versed in keeping my arms as close to my torso as possible. So in my 20s I began experimenting with different products.
One of the most hard core products (that offered clinical protection) was Driclor. But it really, really stings and left me with a terrible rash and unbearably itchy armpits.
But, I still used it.
A decade later I had long ceased using Driclor and was spraying as much antiperspirant as I could every morning and reapplying at least once during the day.
#nosweat? #notme
Another decade later I became interested in using non-toxic products and that’s when I found the one thing that stopped both my sweating and has kept me odour free ever since.

No Pong
What did I discover?
I found natural deodorant. And not just any natural deodorant, but specifically No Pong.
After years of having to apply another spray of antiperspirant deodorant at the end of the day (before going out after work), I now never have to worry about having smelly underarms.
I tried a myriad of other natural deodorants and some of them worked, but No Pong has been my saviour and go-to for almost 5 years and I will never use anything else.
Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored ad. No Pong don’t even know I’m writing this.
As a long-time sweater I am so passionate about this product I want you to try it. There’s even a fragrance free option. Personally I think the original is the best smelling deodorant there is and being that it’s natural and I’m not particularly sensitive, I love it.
But it’s not about the fragrance. I’m telling you this because it works and in the case of antiperspirant vs deodorant I would recommend this every time.
Here’s why…

Give it time
When you first start using natural deodorant – especially if you’re used to using antiperspirant – there’s a short period where you’re likely to sweat more and smell more.
This is the detox phase and I highly recommend you stick with it.
You’ll need to ride this out and not be tempted to go back to your old ways, because take it from me; once you allow your pores to clear all those excess toxins you’ll find your armpits are unbelievably odour free.
‘But won’t I still need antiperspirant?’ You might be thinking…
I know this is a deodorant and therefore isn’t supposed to have an antiperspirant effect, but in my experience; as my body has been allowed to adapt and readjust I absolutely sweat far less than I did when I was using antiperspirant.
And, the biggest bonus is, I’m no longer spraying chemicals into my skin.
But hey, don’t listen to me. Try it for yourself.
After an initial 2-week window – while you give your pits time to ‘clear out the old’ – I’m confident that you (like all my friends who have also since tried this product) will find you don’t pong half as much any more and that your sweating has also reduced to a manageable level.
And if it doesn’t work for you, well, don’t sweat it, feel free to go back to an antiperspirant or deodorant that works best for you.