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Australian Fashion Bloggers: The Ultimate List

16 Australian fashion bloggers that you need to know about!

When blogging first became a thing in the early 90’s , it had little to do with fashion. The first blogs were simply internet diaries,  people writing down their feelings and posting them on the World Wide Web for all to see. Nowadays, ‘to blog’ is to do something quite different. Sure, a blog can still act as a cathartic online journal. But today we want to talk exclusively about fashion blogs – specifically 16 incredible Australian fashion blogs that you need to know about!

Australia’s got serious fashion talent (Credit: Pexels )

We gathered a collection of Aussie fashion bloggers, both young up-and-comers and the more well-established, so that you can join us in supporting our homegrown talent. 

16. Rebekah Ramsay 

Name: Rebekah Ramsay 


Style: Fresh out of the Australian Style Institute, Rebekah is the new kid on the block. A personal stylist based in Hobart, Rebekah’s current style is super-chic – clean lines, bold pops of colour and eye catching accessories. “My work uniform is quite strict (a certain shade of navy with a white shirt and black shoes) but I still try to make it my own style” she says. “When you have a strict work uniform, accessories are everything!” 

You can find her here: On Instagram @rebekahramsay_stylist

15. Amber Lowther

Name: Amber Lowther 


Style: Fashion Blogger, YouTuber and the host of the Hit Network’s original Fashion Avenue podcast (which reached #1 for Fashion & Beauty on iTunes last month) , Amber Lowther can do it all! Her style is ultra-fun and feminine. We’re living for the pink and the polka dots! 

You can find her here:

Instagram @amberlowther

Fashion Avenue podcast 


YouTube Amber Lowther

14. Kimba Likes 

Name: Kim-Marie or Kimba

Style: Kimba sums it up best on the front page of her blog. She’s a ’40+ inbetweenie Sydneysider who believes life is a special occasion – a beauty obsessed print clash princess with a penchant for colour, print and a bold brow’. Her specialities hashtags are #kimbalikeshairbows and #printclashprincess. If you’re reading this and you don’t desperately want to be a Print Clash Princess too, you’re lying to yourself my friend.


You can find her here: The Kimba Likes blog is incredible, you can drink in Style, Beauty and Lifestyle and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You can also follow her on Instagram @kimbalikes 

13. Styling Curvy 

Name: Jenni Eyles of Styling Curvy

Style: Stylish, sassy and a bit badassy – Jenni is the confidence chick! On her blog, she admits that this wasn’t always the case but nowadays she’s all about “styling a ridiculously awesome life from the inside out!” Based in Adelaide, Jenni tells it like it is, admitting she’s “a bit of a swear bear’, an over-sharer and snorts when she laughs. Jenni, can we be your friend already? In 2012,  Jenni was diagnosed with breast cancer and she talks about this journey on her blog as well. Her style is confident, bold and inclusive. 


You can find her here: Visit Styling Curvy here, or follow Jenni on Instagram @stylingcurvy

12. Clarice Chian

Name: Clarice Chian

Style: Stylist, writer and editor of Peut-Être Magazine, Clarice certainly wears many different hats (some of which she wears on her Instagram!) This Sydney fashion blogger is the essence of cool. She loves a billowy sleeve, clean lines and elegant designer accessories. 


You can find her here: Follow Clarice on Instagram @brigadeirochoc

11. Rochelle Smith 

Name: Rochelle Smith

Style: Fresh as a daisy and twice as beautiful, Rochelle’s style is sexy and summery.  Based in Sydney, Rochelle is a photographer and content creator, and still finds time to blog about fashion. Expect natural linen, straw hats and more perfect little white dresses than you can shake a stick at!


You can find her here: On Instagram @justanothermannequin

10. The Fashion Heist 

Name: Aicha Robertson 

Style: Brisbane fashion blogger and brand manger of the label The Great Beyond, Aicha’s style is contemporary and sustainable. The Great Beyond is all about using luxury fabrics that are also eco-friendly, and that ethos is reflected in Aicha’s own content. Open the Australian Style Guide and look under ‘B’ for Brisbane-based bombshell!


You can find her here: Aicha’s Instagram is @thefashionheist and you can find her label @wearethegreatbeyond

9. Fassionfruitgirl

Name: Angela 

Style: Definitely deserving of a place on our top Australian fashion bloggers list, Angela aka Fassionfruitgirl is style goals! She has been made a Kate Spade ambassador for 2019, and that is clearly reflected in her content. Business or pleasure, it doesn’t matter, Angela rocks whatever she’s wearing.


You can find her here: On Instagram @fassionfruitgirl

8. Mama Stylista 

Name: Deauvanné aka Mama Stylista

Style: Let’s hear it for the mummy bloggers! Mama Stylista is a mama, but that’s not all. She’s a stylist, blogger, presenter with over a decade of experience working in the fashion world. Her mission is to combine her two greatest loves – motherhood and fashion. Judging by her blog, mission accomplished!


You can find her here: Visit the Mama Stylista blog, or follow her on Instagram @mamastylista

7. Amelia Jaane

Name: Amelia Jaane

Style:Serving you more raw unedited images, because I’m sick of girls looking at digitally enhanced images that aren’t even close to real life” – YES Amelia, thank you! One of the best role models posting on social media today, Amelia is body-positive, unapologetic and completely honest with her loyal fan base. She pushes hard for diversity in fashion, and is adamant that all editing and airbrushing needs to go. Expect brightly coloured swimwear, scrunchies and a positive message!


You can find her here: On Instagram @amelia_jaane

6. Lyn-Al Young

Name: Lyn-Al Young 

Style: Looking for Melbourne fashion bloggers? Lyn-Al Young is one of Australia’s finest young fashion exports. She’s exhibited her designs at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, VAMFF and Australian Indigenous Fashion Week and was named a David Jones Emerging Designer last year. She’s inspired by French haute couture powerhouse Givency, as well as his muse Audrey Hepburn, and draws on her indigenous background to tell stories through fashion. Continue to watch this space, because Lyn-Al is doing this country proud! 


You can find her here: On Instagram @lyn_al

6. Frida Las Vegas 

Name:  Stavroula Adameitis aka Frida Las Vegas

Style: If you don’t like pop culture, bright colours, everything that’s both kitsch and cool – then what’s the matter with you? Stavroula is both an artist and designer, and her wearable works of art are designed to make you feel absolutely fabulous. Best of all, her style is humorous! Expect references to Aussie icons like Muriel’s Wedding, prawns, Paddle Pops, even your local Bunnings!


You can find her here: Visit her website Frida Las Vegas or follow her on Instagram @fridalasvegas 

4. Curvy Sam 

Name: Sam, of Curvy Sam 

Style: A curve influencer, a Brisbane blogger and “The Queen of changing up her image and not giving AF about what people think” – Sam is one of our top 4 Australian fashion bloggers. Focusing on style, health and inner confidence, Sam’s blog reaches roughly 30,000 Australian women a week. And don’t try to sell her that ‘bigger girls shouldn’t wear XYZ’ crap because she’s here to break all those so-called rules!


You can find her here: Read the Curvy Sam blog here

You can follow Sam on Instagram @curvysam

You can subscribe to Sam’s YouTube channel at CurvySam

3. The Second Runway


Name: Ana Fernanda Covarrubias

Style: Australian fashion bloggers are making a move towards environmentally conscious style choices, and this ethos lies at the heart of Ana’s content. She classifies herself as an eco-fashion stylist and designer, and she’s Australia’s Op Shop Queen! Her style is glamorous and modern, it’s all about up-cycling and it won’t cost you the earth. Good for the environment, good for our bank accounts, good for our wardrobes – you’re a gem Ana!

You can find her here: On Instagram @the_second_runway 

2. FlexMami


Name: Lillian Ahenkan aka FlexMami

Style: Lillian captioned this Instagram picture with the words “SHOULD WE TALK ABOUT THE EXCELLENCE OF THIS LOOK NOW OR LATER???” – and boy, does that sum up how we feel about her! Let’s talk about it now, shall we? She’s proudly obsessed with herself, and we would all do well to take a page out of her book. Wait, did we mention she’s written a book? Check out Full Time Flex: A Simple Guide to Manifesting here. She dresses like a complete and utter goddess, and her daily reminders to worship yourself are so honest and uplifting. To quote Flex herself: “It’s 2019 friends, if you haven’t curated multiple shrines in your own honour then you’re slipping”

You can find her here: On Instagram @flex.mami and you can listen to her podcast Bobo and Flex where she talks feminism, intersectionality, culture and relationships with her co-host Bobo.

1. Christian Wilkins


Name: Christian Wilkins

Style: Everything you know about fashion and gender norms? Throw it out the window and embrace the fashion trailblazer that is Christian Wilkins. Son of Richard Wilkins, who has been nothing but a supportive father since his coming out, Christian (or Prince) runs the podcast Radical Fashionism and strives for equality and inclusivity. A fashion blogger that’s trying to change the world for the better. You’re our number one Christian!

You can find him here: On Instagram @theprincewilkins, and you can listen to his podcast Radical Fashionism here. 

These are 16 of the best Australian fashion bloggers our nation has to offer – but if you want to find more style gurus, try searching for #australianfashionblogger on Instagram. You’ll find your new favourite influencer in no time!


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