
Buying A Car For $50? At Police Auctions In Perth, It’s Possible

Buying a vehicle shouldn’t hurt your savings if you try your luck at a police auction.
An auctioneer pointing at someone in the crowdGetty

Have you ever wondered what happens to the items that the police have repossessed or seized in Perth? Are they left in warehouses until they’re claimed? Or do the authorities find another use for the objects? The answer is simple: they’re sold at police auctions, where bidders can win them at about a third of their retail price. 


If you think that buying a 4WD for $AUD50 is too good to be true, think again. Deals like this aren’t uncommon at these auctions. Anyone can bid on the products, so these events are popular among bargain hunters and seasoned collectors.

So, how do you join a police auction in Perth? What type of items are available? And how do you make sure you’re bidding on a good vehicle or item? Let’s find out.

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What Can You Find At A Police Auction?

If you want to be a car owner but can’t afford a brand-new vehicle, purchasing secondhand cars from dealers isn’t your only option. Sedans and sports cars often appear in the catalogues of police auctions. On rare occasions, top brands and models also become available. A Ferrari was once sold to the highest bidder for an unbelievable price of $AUD100,000.

A group of women raising their hands at an auction
(Credit: Getty)

Since you can’t be picky when it comes to car makes and models in police auctions, you can set your eyes on government car auctions, as well. In these events, you can bid on old or surplus government vehicles at highly attractive prices.

Cars aren’t the only attraction. You can bid on yachts, machinery, bicycles, collectibles, power tools, sporting goods, furniture and electronics – any item that was surrendered to the police. Auction jewellery is another particularly popular and competitive category. 

Check The Item Or Vehicle Before You Buy

Most products at police auctions were obtained during raids or were impounded. They also include stolen or lost items that were surrendered to the authorities.


Given the items’ history, they need to be thoroughly checked before the day of the auction. Those who possess a valid license to operate vehicles and machinery can start the engines. Some auctioneering firms also provide a certificate of roadworthiness.

An auctioneer pointing at someone in the crowd
(Credit: Getty)

You should also look for the item’s market value and set the maximum price you’re willing to bid, given the product’s condition. Auctions can become heated and emotional – you might end up paying more than the product’s worth if you’re not careful.

It’s important to note that you cannot return the items or ask for refunds if you find any damages after purchasing the products. 


What If You See Something You Own At A Confiscated Goods Auction?

Seeing items that were stolen from you at police auctions isn’t uncommon.  If you want to claim an item, advise the auctioneering firm, and they’ll remove it from the sale. You’ll need to provide proof of ownership at a police station before the firm gives you the product.

How To Bid At Police-Seized Auctions

Auctioneering firms are mandated to sell the forfeited and unclaimed property by a specific time, so don’t expect anything you see on a catalogue to last long. It pays to check the websites of auctioneering firms regularly to get a feel for which items are worth it.

If you see an item you like on the auction catalogue, call the auctioneering firm to confirm its availability. Items can be pulled out anytime for various reasons. 

Next, you need to register at the auction office. Visit their location and fill out a registration form. Some auctioneers allow absentee bidding – let them know if you are interested in this option.


During the auction, give a signal to the auctioneer if you wish to make a bid. You can do this by holding up your number. 

If you win, you need to pay in full within 24 hours. Note that you need to collect the products or vehicles you’ve bought within a specific period, or you’ll need to pay a storage fee.

Which Auctioneering Firms Organise Police Auctions In Perth?

(Only select auctioneers are allowed to sell salvage goods or impounded vehicles)

1. Ross’s Auctions & Valuers

Ross’s Auctions is one of the largest auctioneering firms in the state. Aside from handling police auctions, the firm holds clearance and surplus biddings. They also hold quarterly sales for items lost or surrendered at the Perth International Airport. 


Ross’s usually has the most diverse selection of items and vehicles for auction. You can inspect the products on sale by visiting their showrooms in Welshpool. It’s open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. before the day of the auction. Inspection can’t be done on auction day.

2. Mannheim

Mannheim occasionally holds police car auctions. Aside from that, they organise weekly auctions for passenger cars, government cars, commercial vehicles and machinery.

While you’re inspecting vehicles or machinery, a staff member can start the engine on your behalf. You are not allowed to test drive any of the cars due to safety reasons.


If you want to bid online, register as a full member on their website. Those who want to bid in person need to fill out a form online or at the firm’s office.

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3. Pickles

Those who wish to buy vehicles from the Government of Western Australia should follow the auctions hosted by Pickles. You have the option to purchase at a fixed price prior to the auction or attend the weekly public bidding.

If you want to build a fleet for a leasing or transportation company, this is auctioneer is the best choice.

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Auction Tips For First-Timers

Going to an auction can be intimidating for first-timers. Here are some tips to make sure you get the best deal possible.

TIP#1: Start Bidding On Your Item As Soon As Possible

Before the auction starts, you should already be sure of which items you’re willing to bid on. Start competing with other buyers as soon as bidding starts for that specific product. That way, you don’t hesitate and end up losing the item to another buyer.

Conversely, you shouldn’t bid on items you’re not sure about. Changing your mind later isn’t an option.


TIP#2: Learn About Extra Charges

Most firms add a buyer’s premium, which is added to the winning bid. This covers the costs incurred by the auctioneering firm. Include this when computing the maximum price you’re willing to pay for items.

TIP#3: Check the Payment Terms

Before the auction, check the auctioneering firm’s payment terms. Ask if they accept check or credit card if one of those is your preferred mode of payment.

TIP#4: Don’t Start With Your Maximum Bid

Auctions usually start at a low price. The price will increase little by little, so don’t get impatient and mention your final price immediately. You might be able to get the item at a fraction of what you were willing to pay if you start low.

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TIP#5: Pack A Folding Chair

Auctions can attract a huge crowd, especially when there’s a big-ticket item being sold at unbelievably low prices. Pack a folding chair in case seats run out.

Ready To Attend Your First Auction In Australia?

Scoring deep discounts at an auction shouldn’t be exclusive to experienced bargain hunters. Anyone, including you, can give it a try. Even if you’re not looking to score a new car, you can find useful items that are worth buying.

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