Matthew Bennett’s virginity has become one of the biggest ever talking points on Married At First Sight.
And after popping his cherry to wife Lauren Huntriss, the 31-year-old furiously questioned whether her husband had simply used her for sex.
Things fell apart for the couple during Wednesday’s dinner party, after Lauren overheard Matthew telling the blokes that he ‘wasn’t attracted’ to her.
‘Did I hear that correctly that you’re not attracted to me?’ questioned Lauren.

As the Queensland videographer, 29, confirmed that’s what he said, Lauren exploded: ‘I just feel a bit used, Matt. Did you just use me to lose your virginity?’
Matthew quickly responded, ‘No, not at all,’ and stated that he thinks their incompatibility may be because he ‘isn’t enough’ for her.

As Lauren later become teary while re-capping the conversation, she cried: ‘I don’t ask for much, I just ask for someone to love me.’

Earlier in the episode, Matthew had told the boys: ‘Like, I have no urge to rip her clothes off and throw her onto the bed. There is nothing there. I’m not actually attracted to Loz.’