
Mel Greig smashes WHO’s 10-week Best Body Reboot challenge

The radio star is a brand new woman!
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Before embarking on the WHO 10-week Best Body Reboot challenge, Radio and TV personality Mel Greig was craving change more than ever. 


Eagerly snapping up the opportunity, from day one Mel felt grateful for the life- changing experience, and nailed her goal of losing 10kg by the end of Week 10.

Thrilled with her results, she says her motivation was wanting to feel healthy again. ”I knew if I stayed completely focused the WHO 10-week I would achieve the results I Best Body Reboot wanted,” she says.

(Credit: WHO)
Mel at the beginning of the year. (Credit: Getty)

The radio star is loving her new body and embracing her gorgeous shape, but she admits that wasn’t always the case. Greig was craving change more gorgeous shape, but she admits than ever.

Eagerly snapping up that wasn’t always the case. “Before starting this challenge I was so unhealthy and just couldn’t accept my curves,” Mel confesses.

“Now I’m in love with my body. I couldn’t stop looking at myself during the shoot.” Now, she’s fitter than ever and looks forward to her PT sessions with Bondi- based trainer Tegan Haining (author of The 7 Day Quickie) and has formed a real passion for weight training. 

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(Credit: WHO)

A massive wine lover, Mel even stuck to her guns of resisting a single drop throughout the challenge.

“My main focus from day one was to not put anything naughty or unhealthy in my body, and to train as hard as I can,” she reveals.

Mel is proud to confirm she’s dropped two dress sizes – from a 16 to a size 12 and is incredibly happy with her new toned and healthy 77kg figure.


For Mel’s entire journey, including her day on a plate plus how she achieved her body – be sure to pick up the latest issue of WHO!

(Credit: WHO)

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