“I like you better with your face off”

I was going to start this column with some self-deprecating talk about how I look less like Rebecca and more like a scary witch...
Peter Brew-Bevan/WHO

Rebecca Gibney is beautiful with and without makeup. Fact. But it is her words in Who’s Most Beautiful special issue that have left a lasting impression on me. I was going to start this column with some self-deprecating talk about how I look less like Rebecca and more like a scary witch without make-up yadda yadda yadda.

But, then Rebecca’s powerful message stopped me dead in my tracks.

Here’s just part of what she had to say: “I occasionally look back at photos of me in my 20s and 30s and I was so angst ridden then about how I looked and I looked great! And I feel so sorry for that person because I think, ‘Wow, you did look good and you never ever acknowledged it’. I’d never want to go back there. And I encourage women, embrace whatever you’ve got. If you’ve got a bit of a crooked nose or you’ve got big eyebrows. Embrace the uniqueness because there’s nobody else like you. I do believe we have to embrace our lines and our little spots and our things. Beauty for me is someone who is completely content to be who they are.”

rebecca gibney WHO magazine
For more from Rebecca Gibney in WHO’s Most Beautiful People 2018, pick up a copy of WHO on sale now! (Credit: Peter Brew-Bevan/WHO)

Embrace the uniqueness because there’s nobody else like you

What a beautiful message. I had another timely reminder about loving your natural self from my youngest daughter as I was standing in the kitchen wild-haired and make-up free at 5.30am today.

Never one to her mince words, she suddenly blurted out: “Mum, I actually like you better with your face off!”

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