Hilarious comedy duo Angie Kent and Yvie Jones are working together again, this time launching a podcast, Two Girls One Pod, with Nova Podcasts.
WATCH BELOW: Coming Soon: Two Girls One Pod
The pair of best friends have worked together on and off in TV since they first appeared on Gogglebox in 2015.
At the time, they were living together in Sydney, and did eight seasons of the popular show before Angie moved away, making it too difficult to continue filming.
They went on to do I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here! in 2019, and Angie would go on to be that year’s Bachelorette, which is the last time the pair appeared together on TV.
“We haven’t been together since, well two years ago, on the public forums, since your Bachelorette party that I threw for you with eight really weird men,” Yvie recalls in the trailer.
“And one who got naked,” she added, referencing Ciarran Stott’s famous scene on the show, where he posed nude with a bunch of grapes for a life-drawing class on a group date.
“I just stared for days at his tiny, tiny, tiny, thing,” she joked.
Angie has had another stint in podcasting, where she hosted Angie Tries It, also for Nova Podcasts, earlier this year.
Yvie has also worked in radio in recent years, setting her up perfectly for their next gig.
The two began their friendship as housemates in Sydney, where they shared a house with Tom, who had Down syndrome. Angie and Yvie were his live-in carers.
They got the call to do I’m a Celebrity while in Bali with Tom.
“We were just so used to sitting on the couch in our comfort zone, with our fur babies, and talking absolute dross with a team working around us. Then BOOM we were literally thrown in the jungle. Completely out of our safe haven of pooches and pillows,” Angie recently divulged on Instagram.
WATCH BELOW: Yvie Jones and Angie Kent rip into Carlin’s name. Story continues below.
Although a very funny pair, the two have never shied away from discussing serious issues.
They memorable time on the show, with Yvie speaking out about weight in a way that captured the attention of the nation, when she refused to participate in a ‘weigh-in’.
“We’re going to celebrate how much weight we’ve lost and that somehow is something to be proud of, and I don’t think it is something to be proud of,” she said on the show.
“I can’t actually tell you the last time I weighed myself… I wish we lived in a different world where what we looked like didn’t matter,” Yvie said.