Comedians Kate McCartney and Kate McLennan are back with the second season of their breakfast show parody, Get Krack!n (starts Wed., Feb. 6 at 9pm; ABC. Watch the trailer below.) and reveal the last time …
… they enjoyed breakfast TV
KATE McLENNAN I really enjoyed Brooke Boney talking so honestly and eloquently about Jan. 26 on Today.
KATE McCARTNEY I liked it when Steve Jacobs got attacked by a big chicken.
… they were recognised in public
McCARTNEY A kid from my child’s kinder waved at me in Coles the other day. Presumably she’s a huge fan of my work.
McLENNAN A plumber who’d come around to unblock our pipes. What he knows about me could ruin my career.
… they truly relaxed
McCARTNEY After I had an emergency C-section, I had a 10-minute nap on a gurney. I still think about that nap.
McLENNAN And for those 10 minutes she didn’t email me, so I had a rest, too.
… they laughed inappropriately
McCARTNEY During filming, I choked on some salmon in front of Kate and she didn’t look up from her phone, even when I banged on the table. When she finally looked up she just laughed and laughed. I nearly died!
… they got into a Twitter feud
McLENNAN It was with a woman called @tigervsshark …
McCARTNEY That’s me!
McLENNAN … who keeps posting images of my very beautiful dog without my permission.
McCARTNEY Yeah because he is 20 weeks old and already weight 25kg! What is Twitter for if not spreading that message of love and peace and hope for our future? 25kg. 20 weeks old. Let that sink in, Australia.
… they went on a road trip
McCARTNEY Sometimes, to spice things up, I drive to a Cotton On in a different suburb to return a basic black top that I don’t need. Does that count?
McLENNAN I don’t remember, but all I know is that I ate a 270g bag of Twisties all by myself.