Illusionist and escapologist Cosentino, 36, is hitting the road with his upcoming Anything Is Possible tour (kicks off Sat., Jun. 29 in St Kilda, Melbourne) and gives WHO a preview.
What can fans expect from your new show?
The concept is that your past does not equal your future. Anything Is Possible is also the title of my autobiography and it’s about making the impossible possible. If you were to go back when I was 12 and say, “One day you will be a magician,” I would have said, “No way.” In terms of the show, it’s about showing people the impossible.
Naturally, there will be sceptics …
I don’t pretend I can really predict the future – if I could, I’d win the lottery and be in the Bahamas – or levitate someone or walk through a wall. The show is about living out the fantasy. What would it be like if you could do those things? We blur a line when we do an escape – people think if the magic’s not real, the escape can’t be real, but the escapes aren’t fake. They’re really dangerous; things have gone wrong in the past.
When you have a mishap, does that prompt you to be more careful or go harder?
Escapes are about power, so if something goes wrong I want to go back and conquer it. But it’s not a death wish – it’s all calculated.
How was your experience on America’s Got Talent: The Champions earlier this year?
It was daunting – I’ve never performed in America or been on American TV before. The judges and audience gave me a standing ovation – I did not expect that at all.