With many of us upping our screen time of late, Gogglebox couple Sarah Marie and Matty Fahd know there’s never been a more important time to bring some joy to TV.
“We’ve had a real responsibility bringing laughter into people’s homes again,” Matty tells WHO of being back for another season.
Here, the loveable stars reveal the shows they’re bingeing on and life with baby Malik.
WATCH: Meet Gogglebox stars Sarah Marie, Matty and Jad
WHO: What keeps on bringing you back to doing the show?
Matty: It’s fun! The kind of core of it…. It’s been a lot of fun, we watch new content every season, or continuations of previous content. It doesn’t get boring, it’s natural it’s organic, it’s us in our home watching tele, it’s hard to get sick of that.
But I think also we have a bit of, love it or hate it, responsibility now to be bringing normality into people’s homes. You know being on the sow we have had a lot of people reach out and asking when it is coming back, they need some type of laughter, they say ‘this is one of the only shows that me and my family sit down and watch together.
I think last season and this season we have had a real responsibility to bringing laughter into people’s homes again and that’s been a huge motivator for us to continue on with the show because its like we have that responsibility and we want to keep the laughs going and it is super important.
As long as the show remains positive which it always will be and it remains real, which again it always will be then we will always want to be part of it and we love doing it so there is no reason not to be back on the show.
Sarah Marie: Spending that time with my husband and my son, having my family with me while we are on this journey with Gogglebox it is absolutely amazing and I don’t take it for granted at all. I think it’s a great thing to do together and that definitely keeps me going each season.
Have you been watching even more TV during the current crisis? What have you been bingeing?
Matty: Definitely been watching more TV, probably not the same sort of TV we watch on Gogglebox where I have to share the screen time with what Sarah and Jad want to watch. I am a massive sports person, so I have watched a lot of Sport, NBA is back, UFC, NRL, I am a typical 30 year-old male in that respect.
In terms of shows, we binge-watched Westworld on Foxtel, we are up to date with that and a fair bit of Netflix, The Umbrella Academy, which Sarah and I watched together. Watched Ozark, that is awesome. I watched it and got completely hooked into it and can highly recommend it.
Sarah Marie: Yes I do, maybe as background noise. Sometimes I just need some extra noise while I am with Malik, which is strange because people would usually like less noise when they are with a baby, but I just find it comforting.
I will be playing with him, we will have a movie on which we know will have a lot of music on in the background. I have been watching The Umbrella Academy, which I have been loving and that has an amazing soundtrack.

How is Malik? How old is he now and will we be seeing him on Gogglebox this season?
Matty: Malik is the shining light of our lives. He has been so amazing, being stuck indoors and not doing too much. It’s been an incredible experience for us and allowed me to work from home, so I see him a lot more. Every day he comes into my office, he is smiling and laughing and he has been such a joy in such a dark time for the world. He is just the best.
I see so much of Sarah in him as well and he seems to have got the best parts of Sarah with the big smile and positive attitude. It is truly a silver lining. He is 9 months old now he is a really fun age. He recognises things and he is a bit more playful and he is understanding the world a little more and checking himself out in the mirror, learning how to kiss and high five.
He will be on Gogglebox this season, he will be on [the show] as much as he can and as much as he can sit still. My mum is around is around if we ever need babysitting … she would babysit him every day if she could!
Sarah Marie: He is definitely going to be on, as he is attached to my hip unless he is having a nap, so you are definitely going to see him with us on Gogglebox!

How is Jad as an uncle? Is he hands on?
Matty: Jad is a great uncle, he is very hands on. I think in our Lebanese culture there is this real love for children and kids, and you get almost violent reactions to how much you love this kid. I just want to squeeze him and will say to Sarah ‘When will he big enough so I can give him a really big bear hug? Jad gets that with Malik as well, he says, ‘Where is he?’, I need to hug him, I need to kiss him, I want to spend time with him’. Jad loves being an uncle … he is an uncle to his own nieces and nephews, and he loves it and he loves Malik.
Sarah Marie: He has a sister who also has children and he absolutely adores them and loves them. He loves Malik and sees Malik and goes crazy and wants to give him a big squish and a big cuddle and always asking me if I need anything. He is a great uncle for sure!
MORE: Is Gogglebox‘s Jad single?!

Do you think Jad would make a good Bachelor? There has been talk he should do it!
Matty: I think for Jad, no. I think in terms of finding love, definitely not, so in that respect I don’t think he would make a good Bachelor.
I do think it would make for great entertainment. I think his Mum would get involved and knock back all the contestants and ask them to recast them all. [It would] make for good television, but I don’t think it would make for a very happy Jad by the end of it, to be honest.
Sarah Marie: What would you classify as a good Bachelor I guess? [Laughs]. I think he is an amazing bachelor but I have to say, and not in a bitchy way at all, I would like to see him to find love in a different way, in a more old-fashioned way, which is probably how Jad would like to find love, through a friend or something. I don’t know if it would suit him.
I know the whole of Australia would love to see him, he is very entertaining, the stuff that would come out of his mouth would be hilarious. I think to find a wife, maybe not.

What shows do you most like and least like to watch on Googlebox?
Matty: It probably changes a little bit from time to time. My most favourite thing is David Attenborough. I love watching animal documentaries. I am a massive animal lover, so I love getting to watch interesting shows like that.
What I probably like the watch the least is all the trash reality. It’s like a car crash in the sense that I hate it, but it’s hard to look away. Every time we watch MAFS or any of those dating shows, I die a little bit on the inside, like I am progressively getting dumber.
I am also probably not the biggest fan of watching One Born Every Minute. The amount of vaginal births of random women I have had to watch is too much for me and I am not great with that stuff. That one sticks out as a bit of a sore point with me.
Sarah Marie: Right now I will watch anything at the moment, I don’t really get time to sit down and actually watch TV properly so when I do, I don’t care.
I used to say I don’t want to watch sport, now I will watch sport. I will watch the cooking shows Jad likes to watch, I will watch the drama shows Matty likes to watch. I love a good comedy. At this point in time with a 9-month-old and little sleep, I will watch anything!
Gogglebox premieres on Wednesday at 7.30pm on Foxtel’s Lifestyle channel.