Creating the perfect date is easy.
You don’t need a lot of cash and you don’t need to be flash. You just need to be willing to block out some time with your partner, switch off your phone, and let yourself relax and have fun.
The most romantic date ideas are simple because, well, the main agenda is spending time with your bae. To become a romantic couple, try one of these ideas each month and double up when it’s your birthday, with a few extras to spare!
Why wait for Valentine’s Day?
#17 Picnic al fresco
It’s a classic date choice, but there’s not much that’s more romantic than a picnic. Selecting your favourite food, packing it and sharing it in the great outdoors is an ideal way to relax and unwind. Oh, and make it a no-phone policy.
If it’s raining, take the picnic indoors. Romance thrives when you use your imagination.

#16 Look at the moon
There’s always something happening astronomically, so check out the schedule at your nearest observatory, or simply get hold of a pair of binoculars and download an app like Sky View. Snuggling up under the stars is guaranteed to bring out your romantic side.
#15 Take a hike
Couples who hike together, stay together. Check out your local national park and find a walk that suits your fitness levels. There are always fantastic lookouts which will give you a chance to warps your arms around each other and immortalise the moment with a selfie.
#14 Go gold class
Popcorn and movies go together like love and marriage so why not up the ante and book a love seat in the Gold Class section. Enjoy the luxury of reclining seats and take the opportunity to snuggle up close.
#13 Make dinner together
You probably both have a dish or cuisine that you love, so pick a new recipe and plan to make dinner together. Even if one of you is usually the cook, shop for the ingredients at your local food market together and both get involved in the chopping and cooking.
#12 Buy each other a gift
Set a budget, buy a gift and make a dinner date. Be sure to carefully wrap your gift and tell the person why you chose it for them and what they mean to you. Sharing your feelings might be unfamiliar for you but it’s a surefire way to build the romance in a relationship.
#11 See the sunrise
Watching the sunrise or sunset is Romance 101. If you’re not a morning person, it makes it even more special, so rise and shine early and drive or walk to a place where you can begin the day together. It’s a special experience you’ll probably never forget.

#10 Do a yoga class
The way you move in a yoga class can help to limber up your body and relax your mind – the perfect ingredients for romance.
Steer clear of vinyasa classes and opt for something more gentle like a yin class. Unless you’re both avid yogis, in which case, go for it!
#9 Listen to a sexy podcast
There are plenty of sex-related podcasts like Foreplay Radio Sex Therapy and Wholehearted: Love, Sex and Intimacy.
Some episodes have advice on how to bring romance back into your relationship and others tackle the bigger issues. Either way, spending time focusing on who you are as a couple can increase the hotness 100-fold.
#8 Take a dance class
There’s nothing like a spot of salsa to get the heart racing so signing up to an afro-latina dance class with your bae should raise the romance stakes to another level.

#7 Share a bottle of champagne
Bubbles are what we drink when we’re celebrating, so pop and cork and celebrate being able to share the time with someone you love. Drinking it in the bar of a 5-star hotel will make it even more special.
#6 Create a treasure hunt
Think of the fun you’ve had on Easter hunts as a kid and apply that same principle with a romantic slant. Limit the treasure to five or six objects, write some clues and invite your partner to find the treasure. The number one prize could even be you!
#5 Go strawberry picking
If the weather’s right and they’re in season, find a strawberry farm and go foraging. It’s a wholesome activity that can also be romantic, especially if you feed strawberries to each other along the way.

#4 Offer to babysit
Got a niece or nephew? Reprise your sibling of their parenting duties for the day and take the little ones out for an adventure. Being around kids can bring out your own inner child and you’ll probably do something you might not choose otherwise – like go to the zoo.
Plus, it could be good practice if you and bae are intending to have a long future together.
#3 Plan a dream holiday
You may be on only your second date, or perhaps you’ve been together for a while, either way, pretend you have unlimited cash and plan an ideal holiday together. It’s a fun way to get to know what you’re partner likes and you might even end up booking a trip
#2 Go on a road trip
The beauty of road trips are the playlist and the company. It doesn’t matter if there’s no real destination and you end where you started; it’s the journey that counts.
Take it turns to choose the songs and say one reason you love that tune.
#1 Take a hot air balloon ride
Presuming neither of you are scared of heights, an early morning hot air balloon ride is an Uber-romantic date idea. Usually operating in places with beautiful scenery, (often near a wine region), why not make a weekend of it.