In a world where everything is rebooted and reimagined, why not revisit beloved Australian tale Storm Boy? Watch the trailer for the new version below.
The story once again revolves around young loner Mike (Finn Little), who tends to three orphaned pelicans, raising them in the remote beachside house he shares with his recluse father (Jai Courtney). With no friends of his own, Mike spends all his time with the birds, forming a particularly strong bond with one named Mr Percival in scenes that are sure to delight young viewers.
While that premise – the basis of the original story by Colin Thiele and the 1976 film adaptation – is re-created in heart-stirring style, a whole new plot concerning a grown-up Mike (played by Geoffrey Rush) is shoe-horned in, often distractingly and, at times, laughably so. Sure, retell the tale, but some stories are classics for a reason and don’t need refreshing. (Out now) 3 stars